All dressed-up to represent the Mods at this years "Mods vs. Rockers" event. The moped was a hit!

My friend made me a new seat cover out of some vintage vinyl. Totaly reminds me of panties.

Bunnie pulled me on my longboard to Oakwood cemetary.

It was great. The weather has been exceptional lately.

Raleigh Chalk art competition! Like woah!

That dude is totaly in the drawing! Amazing!
Sorry I haven't posted better pictures from the bike show. There's just too many good ones to decide.

Plastics school is fun, but I'm ready to make some money. I'm currently taking a Solidworks class though, which kicks so much ass.
Oh yeah, being poorer than all of your friends sucks!
Well....Back to the same old same old.
The future is in plastics.
I lost your number when my phone reset while I was abroad. Call me sometime. I have a new badass apartment all to myself and it's within walking distance of lots of bars; we should get together and catch up.