I knew that Kerry wouldn't win in NC, but I really thought he was going to win the election. It's funny how, if you surround yourself with good people all the time, you forget about all the evil people out there, who, more than likely voted for Bush. The map of the US, used by the TV news people, shows the most "advanced" parts of...
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Yea another area Democrat. I experienced the same phenomena BTW. I really let myself believe we had a chance.
Thanks for the note. I don't think I'm going to pursue legal action and the whole deal was too short lived for either of my olleagues to qualify for unemployment- so I beleive myself to be in the same situation.

I just feel foolish and angry for, well, being taken for a fool. My fault for being trusting.

I completley agree about the election. I knew which way KY would go, but honestly thought more of the country had their eyes open to the kind of leader Bush has proven to be. I grew up thinking that the right wingers were constitutional rights finatics. I guess Ashcroft set me straight on that; you can be a freind to the right wing and an enemy of civil liberties with apparent ease.

It is very cool that you like VW's.