i wanna be home with my familia ... it would make my life so much easier right now to be near them.

On the other hand, I always have The New Kids. Listening to Summertime right now and it made me smile. Wow, I'm a huge dork ...
Fucking gay.
Ughh, I am so tired. It's like this feeling never goes away. It seems like I can never get enough sleep ...
Ughhh, so I totally just lost my mind and cut my bangs WAY TOO SHORT!!! I know why I did it too. I saw this girl at the daycare today that had super cute super short hair and I was telling her I wanted to get mine really short again. Like boy short. So when I came home today i decided that my bangs needed...
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First Missdates wanted the K.D. Lang look and now you're doing the same.
Ughh, I can't figure out how to load a profile pic. I get to the point where it says browse. So I do, and I pick a photo, then I click save. And nothing. Missdates, hacom I can't do anything right?
I am so computer/technology retarded, or I would so help you out :/
1. take a dump

(variants: crap, squat, poop, or shit may replace dump)

to defecate

"Come on, find a rest stop already. I have to take a dump."

Because you're dumping the contents of your bowels.

Missdates, hacom I can't do anything right?

Maybe you're not trying hard enough.

I think we're gonna' carve a pumpkin today ... that should be fun.

Okay, so listen to my horrible but awesome morning story ... little boy got up around 0630 and I was still in bed. hubby got him out of bed and brought him in to me. He was so excited to see me that he almost literally jumped out of dad's arms to get to me. it was priceless. So we cuddled for a bit and...
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Too funny!

Did you watch Grey's yet?
So today hasn't been any easier ... nothing fun to report except I got my oil changed cause I was 3400 miles overdue ... i guess now if i crash it'll be because i'm talking on my cell phone and not because I'm burning oil ...

So yeah ... anyone know anything fun to do in Colorado Springs? I'll be there on Thursday ...
missdates says to come and say hello, so welcome to the carnival. Enjoy wink
hello beautiful sister of missdates
welcome! biggrin
For some reason today has been a really hard day for me. Jonas has been good most of the day ... but I can't shake it. I just feel so blah. Time for a change in my life ... I just got my hair wacked off because I thought that would satisfy the need for change, but it didn't work. I'll have to try something...
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Hi! welcome to SG!
Okay, so missdates says I have to post a blog in order to get friends ... here's some stupid crap about me.

I just got done running on a treadmill for 30 minutes. I thought I was gonna die. I "just" had a baby about 11 months ago and need to get in shape. I'm in about the same shape as before i got pg,...
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Welcome to SG! Miss you sista!
welcome to sg