Ughhh, so I totally just lost my mind and cut my bangs WAY TOO SHORT!!! I know why I did it too. I saw this girl at the daycare today that had super cute super short hair and I was telling her I wanted to get mine really short again. Like boy short. So when I came home today i decided that my bangs needed trimming. And they did...really badly. And I decided that I was gonna go for the super short straight across bangs. Well, as missdates knows, I can't cut straight, and I didn't leave room for schrinkage or having to even them out and correct my errors.
So there is absolutely NO WAY to hide it. But, the good thing is, now I am forced to go and fix it. And the only way to fix it is to get the super cute super short boy hair cut that I always love. Like when Alyssa Milano had short hair...only, I don't look as cute with short hair becuase it is sooo uber straight and flat. But we'll see. Hopefully Will, my hairstylist can do something. I couldn't get in until 2pm tomorrow, so i have to work almost the WHOLE DAY with my crazy short and uneven bangs, and again, there's no way to hide it
Oh well, it could've been worse, I could've accidentally cut off my toe or something ...
So there is absolutely NO WAY to hide it. But, the good thing is, now I am forced to go and fix it. And the only way to fix it is to get the super cute super short boy hair cut that I always love. Like when Alyssa Milano had short hair...only, I don't look as cute with short hair becuase it is sooo uber straight and flat. But we'll see. Hopefully Will, my hairstylist can do something. I couldn't get in until 2pm tomorrow, so i have to work almost the WHOLE DAY with my crazy short and uneven bangs, and again, there's no way to hide it

Oh well, it could've been worse, I could've accidentally cut off my toe or something ...

First Missdates wanted the K.D. Lang look and now you're doing the same.