Okay, so listen to my horrible but awesome morning story ... little boy got up around 0630 and I was still in bed. hubby got him out of bed and brought him in to me. He was so excited to see me that he almost literally jumped out of dad's arms to get to me. it was priceless. So we cuddled for a bit and he gave me tons of big hugs and kisses. He still likes to lay like he's nursing and stare into my eyes ... he's the coolest. ANywho, we finally get out of bed to make a bottle (which BTW, i still feel guilty about) and he's being super clingy. He doesn't want me to put him down even for a sec. Which is okay, cause i really missed him (I just got home from being in DC a coupla days) and he's a good cuddler. dad goes to work and the house is all ours. Bound to have tons of fun before work!
So he eats and then immediately poops, this is normal practice...so we're gonna go upstairs and change him because he needs a bath anyway (BTW, when you have kids and your wife leaves you alone with them ... if there's food in their hair, give them a bath ... even if they don't stink
I'm just looking around and I hear a thump. Of course everything is now in slow motion ... he pretty much slides down the first stair, but then starts to fall ... roll ... down the other 3. He was a champ though, he held his head up when he landed at the base, rolled over to his tummy and immediately got into the crawl position with a super confused look on his face. I reached down as quickly as i could and of course scared him, so he started crying. He only cried for like 30 seconds though, so i know he wasn't hurt. So i'm super cuddling him and realize that the bottom side of my foot is wet, and so is my forearm ...
So remember how we were going upstairs because he had pooped? Yeah, well when his little bottom hit the floor, apparently all the poo in his diaper made its way out of the side and on to the floor, right where I stepped after I picked him up. and then of course, the poo all over my arm. But little boy is so cuddly that I can't really move him to try and clean it right away. So I go upstairs to clean us both up ... we get in the shower because he's covered in poo and can't sit alone because he's being so clingy. So ... in the shower he hits his head 2x on the nozzle thing while i'm washing my hair. then, we get out and there aren't any diapers up stairs (more unsolicited advice, refill the diapers when you use the last one ...) so we have to come back down stairs. well, as we're walking down, he decides that the warm water made him have to pee ... 5 minutes later. So he pees all over me. Back up the stairs we go to get cleaned up again. Then back down the stairs where I step in the poo again, only this time it's wetter because I've sprayed it w/ carpet cleaner. Whatever, so I have to walk on 1.5 feet to get to the diapers to get the little boy dressed.
Then, as I'm getting ready to dress him, he throws up all over himself, me and his clean clothes. prolly because he was disgusted by the mixed smell of his poo and carpet cleaner on my foot, which by the way I put against my other leg sitting indian style because I forgot about it ...
all this happened in about 10 minutes.
I finally decide that he can be left alone for a few minutes while I get my wits about me and get cleaned up...again. Remember, he threw up on me ... when i come back down the stairs, he's sitting in front of the TV with a huge smile on his face clapping his hands at some stupid frog that is gonna have to move away from his friends because his watering hole dried up during a drought. I smiled and realized that it was going to be an okay day. My kid was happy, smiling and clapping at a frog ... what more could a mommy ask for
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