Only one week of the semseter left!
This time next week i will be back at my mothers for the summer
Although it wil be nice to be back with my family im going to miss the independance of the past 8 or so months. Still it will make me appreitate Aber a lot more when im back in September.
But still a week to go though and 2 exams to get through. I havet been on the internet as much this past week due to the amount of revision im now doing.
Also been missing out on the fencing and 5 days a week has now dropped to just 2/3. Still hopefully there will be a session tomorrow as well as sunday for some more practice.

This time next week i will be back at my mothers for the summer

Although it wil be nice to be back with my family im going to miss the independance of the past 8 or so months. Still it will make me appreitate Aber a lot more when im back in September.
But still a week to go though and 2 exams to get through. I havet been on the internet as much this past week due to the amount of revision im now doing.

Also been missing out on the fencing and 5 days a week has now dropped to just 2/3. Still hopefully there will be a session tomorrow as well as sunday for some more practice.

I've always thought fencing would be fun, but never had the opportunity to learn.
Going home for summer sucks. Luckily I only will be visiting my own mother for 2 weeks after school. As nice as having my laundry done for me is, I'd much rather be in my own pad. Good luck on finals. And enjoy what fencing you do get. I hope I can resume my own soon.