Sunday Jun 12, 2005 Jun 11, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email erased VIEW 15 of 15 COMMENTS ldwarren: Oh my disgust me! Well I only came along to the picnic to see Mr Danger obviously...oh, Im mean arent i? Hey you know that I like spending time with you in the kids corner. A round of frappucinos and good company..what could be better? Jun 12, 2005 thelastboss: OUCH!!! Are you getting the whole arm done in black to cover up another tattoo? Jun 12, 2005
Well I only came along to the picnic to see Mr Danger obviously...oh, Im mean arent i?
Hey you know that I like spending time with you in the kids corner. A round of frappucinos and good company..what could be better?
Are you getting the whole arm done in black to cover up another tattoo?