i have been thinking about body modification lately--partly because of my studies and partly because, well, i just fucking love it. it's one of those topics that never cease to make me curious.
i can only speculate about myself and my motivations, but i'm deeply curious about everyone else's...how do you do it and why do you do it--or why dont you?
here's what i've been thinking about myself:
i mark/inscribe/modify my body to solidify identity.
i do it to stand out--> to be noticed in a culture that thrives on the 'look at me!' culture.
modifying my body is an intentional act and as such creates meaning/importance for it.
it allows me to conquer the fear of/that results from the human predicament--the desire/need to be pristine/eternal/unchanging/persisting (immortal?).
modifying my body expresses ownership of it. it states my subjectivity and while its appearance to others is outward, its sensations that i feel are completely mine.
-a reclaiming of my body being an 'object' to other people through the outward manifestation/signs that express my subjectivity--> my decoration of my body, my creation of self and the distinctly subjective aspects of pain/sensation felt as a response to or during such acts.
the situation/state of being looked at creates statements to others about my agency, my power, my gender role understandings, identities and roles, my strengths, etc.
-power and strength is created by the willingness to confront pain be it physical or emotion unease about 'mutliative' processes or the changes/modification of the body that announce the absence of permanence and by extension, immortality.
when the body is modified or 'wounded' it goes through a healing process and this process is an affirmation of live/health/vitality.
marking the body=a questioning of value systems/traditional beliefs/traditions of beauty and appropriate behaviour/appearance.
to emphasize the body creates accents that draw attention to the innate beauty of the human form and life-forms in general.
these are some free-writings that i did today. what do you think. why do you? what do you do? do you do anything at all? what do you think about why other people do it?
i can only speculate about myself and my motivations, but i'm deeply curious about everyone else's...how do you do it and why do you do it--or why dont you?
here's what i've been thinking about myself:
i mark/inscribe/modify my body to solidify identity.
i do it to stand out--> to be noticed in a culture that thrives on the 'look at me!' culture.
modifying my body is an intentional act and as such creates meaning/importance for it.
it allows me to conquer the fear of/that results from the human predicament--the desire/need to be pristine/eternal/unchanging/persisting (immortal?).
modifying my body expresses ownership of it. it states my subjectivity and while its appearance to others is outward, its sensations that i feel are completely mine.
-a reclaiming of my body being an 'object' to other people through the outward manifestation/signs that express my subjectivity--> my decoration of my body, my creation of self and the distinctly subjective aspects of pain/sensation felt as a response to or during such acts.
the situation/state of being looked at creates statements to others about my agency, my power, my gender role understandings, identities and roles, my strengths, etc.
-power and strength is created by the willingness to confront pain be it physical or emotion unease about 'mutliative' processes or the changes/modification of the body that announce the absence of permanence and by extension, immortality.
when the body is modified or 'wounded' it goes through a healing process and this process is an affirmation of live/health/vitality.
marking the body=a questioning of value systems/traditional beliefs/traditions of beauty and appropriate behaviour/appearance.
to emphasize the body creates accents that draw attention to the innate beauty of the human form and life-forms in general.
these are some free-writings that i did today. what do you think. why do you? what do you do? do you do anything at all? what do you think about why other people do it?
Nooooooo! This is supposed to be an intelligently-funny cartoon strip
*sigh* I don't know why I bother.....