Today i got a surprize gift from someone. i couldn't stop beaming. It's nice to get gifts. but even nicer when they come from someone with thoughtful and caring intent--not just a gift to help make your day a better one, but a gift that let's you know that someone was thinking about and heard what you said and found it in some way meaningful.
i just couldn't stop beaming. i think i might have been responsible for that taxicab that melted suddenly when it got struck with a sunbeam, but i refuse to take the blame. i'm too busy to worry about having to pay for damages.
and as i was walking to the post office, a man in a deli smiled at me. just some random dude at the counter in the deli. i looked around baffled (i do live in london, you know), but it was really directed at me.
thats what happens when your all happy and beaming down the high street. people flash it back at you. its just so often that i sit here and complain about those nasty londoners and its far too often that i forget that i'm probably one of them. grossly involved too much within my own little ipod sound tracked world. i complain that they never smile at me, but maybe its because i dont smile at them.
sure, i know, that when you are always smiling at people and trying to get them to smile back at you, then you always end up disappointed because people just think you are a weirdo. it different when they just see that you are happy. makes them happy too.
and at lunch time, i once again braved the sainsbury's grocery store to get my soup and while in line waiting to pay, i put that little divider thing after my leek and potato soup container and diet coke (vanilla flavoured, of course), and the dude behind me actually thanked me. and he was smiling when he did! i almost passed out.
so today, i have learned a valuable lesson. and i will aim to think of happier things while walking down the streets of london. and tomorrow, maybe no one will smile at me. and then next day, maybe someone will. but i dont care. it makes me happy to now that someone smiled because they saw happiness--not because they looked at me.
i've been too selfish.
(thanks mro666)
i just couldn't stop beaming. i think i might have been responsible for that taxicab that melted suddenly when it got struck with a sunbeam, but i refuse to take the blame. i'm too busy to worry about having to pay for damages.
and as i was walking to the post office, a man in a deli smiled at me. just some random dude at the counter in the deli. i looked around baffled (i do live in london, you know), but it was really directed at me.
thats what happens when your all happy and beaming down the high street. people flash it back at you. its just so often that i sit here and complain about those nasty londoners and its far too often that i forget that i'm probably one of them. grossly involved too much within my own little ipod sound tracked world. i complain that they never smile at me, but maybe its because i dont smile at them.
sure, i know, that when you are always smiling at people and trying to get them to smile back at you, then you always end up disappointed because people just think you are a weirdo. it different when they just see that you are happy. makes them happy too.
and at lunch time, i once again braved the sainsbury's grocery store to get my soup and while in line waiting to pay, i put that little divider thing after my leek and potato soup container and diet coke (vanilla flavoured, of course), and the dude behind me actually thanked me. and he was smiling when he did! i almost passed out.
so today, i have learned a valuable lesson. and i will aim to think of happier things while walking down the streets of london. and tomorrow, maybe no one will smile at me. and then next day, maybe someone will. but i dont care. it makes me happy to now that someone smiled because they saw happiness--not because they looked at me.
i've been too selfish.
(thanks mro666)

Sorry I dissapeared I had to go get my coat before the queues (like for NIN), and then my mobile died. I asked D to say bye for me.
Saturday should be good fun.
Will bring more CDs at the weekend.