i have become a soup junkie. i just can't get enough of it. i've been eatting it for days now. all kinds of soups. mmmm. they are best with cheese flavoured crackers.
so if anyone else is into soup, or just happens to have any good (vegetarian) recipes, please let me know. i need to start cooking them myself. i'm sick of battling angry londoners at the local grocery store. they are vicious people. their teeth are made of razorblades and they all fashion imitation samurai swords onto their shopping carts. i got impaled 3 times during my last visit.
and that's not to mention the children. the angry londoners are pressed for time and the overall lack of personal space and the too much sharing of polluted air makes them into animals and in their haze of madness they believe that grocery stores (overcrowded inner city ones at that) are appropriate places for their offspring.
a few days ago, i saw an abandoned push chair/stroller thing complete with child who was gazing absently at the ceiling. the parent was no where to be found. that's fine with me. i dont mind abandoned children. there are plenty of people out there who wouldn't mind picking up an abandoned child, for whatever purposes (we dont need to go into them here), but it would be nice of the abandoner to at least park the child unit to one side of the aisle rather than in the middle of a major throughway.
when my plan to conquer the planet has successed i will institute 'abandoned children' drop off points. they will be clearly marked and out of the way, so as to not cause problems to the people that are busy on errands and just generally modifying the world to my specifications. and that way, all the people who would like children, but dont want to go through the paperwork loaded process of adoption, or fear the legal consequences of other inappropriate-to-do-with/to-children stuff, can get their child hassle free at the local drop off point. this not only pleases the weirdos, infertile, and do-gooders of society, but also takes the burden of caring for unwanted lifeforms off of the state.
hmmm. maybe i'll write another letter to the queen and try to get this established before i conquer. it'll save my time for more important matters.
dont' forget--> let me know your fav soup, and drop me a recipe if you got em!
so if anyone else is into soup, or just happens to have any good (vegetarian) recipes, please let me know. i need to start cooking them myself. i'm sick of battling angry londoners at the local grocery store. they are vicious people. their teeth are made of razorblades and they all fashion imitation samurai swords onto their shopping carts. i got impaled 3 times during my last visit.
and that's not to mention the children. the angry londoners are pressed for time and the overall lack of personal space and the too much sharing of polluted air makes them into animals and in their haze of madness they believe that grocery stores (overcrowded inner city ones at that) are appropriate places for their offspring.
a few days ago, i saw an abandoned push chair/stroller thing complete with child who was gazing absently at the ceiling. the parent was no where to be found. that's fine with me. i dont mind abandoned children. there are plenty of people out there who wouldn't mind picking up an abandoned child, for whatever purposes (we dont need to go into them here), but it would be nice of the abandoner to at least park the child unit to one side of the aisle rather than in the middle of a major throughway.
when my plan to conquer the planet has successed i will institute 'abandoned children' drop off points. they will be clearly marked and out of the way, so as to not cause problems to the people that are busy on errands and just generally modifying the world to my specifications. and that way, all the people who would like children, but dont want to go through the paperwork loaded process of adoption, or fear the legal consequences of other inappropriate-to-do-with/to-children stuff, can get their child hassle free at the local drop off point. this not only pleases the weirdos, infertile, and do-gooders of society, but also takes the burden of caring for unwanted lifeforms off of the state.
hmmm. maybe i'll write another letter to the queen and try to get this established before i conquer. it'll save my time for more important matters.
dont' forget--> let me know your fav soup, and drop me a recipe if you got em!
Thanks for your good thoughts, theres still hope but I cant help but feel a little down right now, circumstances seem dire but tomorrow will be a new day. Thanks for caring.
I love it when they can't hold it together during a sketch. That's always funny.