new additions to my wishlist include:
and this is one of the write-ups for Cooking with Porn Stars:
5 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
Not enough vegetarian options, October 18, 2004
Reviewer: Gerry Atrick (Ireland) - See all my reviews
This movie changed the way i think about food, and that is the biggest compliment i could ever give a filthy porno made for downgrade pervo scumbags. I even showed it to my teenage daughter who studies cookery so she could make me some of Mary joe anus's apple pie( its sooo good!). I also want to show it to my slacker wife, for numerous reasons, but ever since i lent it to Father Mckenzie its been circulating the neighbourhood like wild fire (Fr. Mckenzie said he really enjoyed jenny jerk off's tuna casserole, ill have to try it myself!). Anyhoo, id give this product three thumbs up.

and this is one of the write-ups for Cooking with Porn Stars:
5 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
Not enough vegetarian options, October 18, 2004
Reviewer: Gerry Atrick (Ireland) - See all my reviews
This movie changed the way i think about food, and that is the biggest compliment i could ever give a filthy porno made for downgrade pervo scumbags. I even showed it to my teenage daughter who studies cookery so she could make me some of Mary joe anus's apple pie( its sooo good!). I also want to show it to my slacker wife, for numerous reasons, but ever since i lent it to Father Mckenzie its been circulating the neighbourhood like wild fire (Fr. Mckenzie said he really enjoyed jenny jerk off's tuna casserole, ill have to try it myself!). Anyhoo, id give this product three thumbs up.
How pissed were you? I was in that great stage where everything is entertaining..I wish i could bottle that feeling forever..
being from middle america, myself, how did you end up in the lovely UK? i only made it as far as nyc...