Not much of a blog really... Just picked up Tropico 4 and all its DLC in the current Steam sale. So for this weekend I shall be running my own island in my dictator ways!!! Bwaaaahahahaha! Nah... I'm a goody two-shoes really in the end. At worst a "The end justify the means" kind of leader =P
Not really been up to much else really. Sadly. Eh life is currently fairly boring here. Went out to play MTG EDH (Commander) with a few guys last night... Didn't do much then either... Guess the heart of the cards wasn't with me this time!
For now I may take a quick nap... Then glug some energy drinks, eat some custard doughnuts, and hop back on the pc to play some Tropico 4! Maybe write a better blog post aswell...
Take care people anyway!