Well figured I'd put another quick post up. Not that I have a huge amount to say.
Anxiety has been up and down a lot recently. I've had a few good times where I've been outside and not feeling too bad at all, but I've had plenty of bad times too. This week will be full of even more anxiety stuff, but eh, I'll live...
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Bah sometimes I really hate sleep. Doesn't help that a combination of my meds and general depression have left me with very little energy quite often. Usually my dreams take one of four forms:
A: Family dreams. I'm not close to my family... I had a very strict upbringing (Lots of shouting, grounding, all my toys (I didn't have many) etc confiscated, physical punishment) and...
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Eh... It's been a long time since I've posted here. A mix of being busy for a while, and then being completely depressed and anti people for a while. Oh wait... I'm still in that second stage but eh...
So firstly yeah... I worked for TT Games for a few months. Was pretty cool but I just couldn't handle working overtime. My anxiety was leaving...
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Well well well people... It's been a damn long time! I've been lurking on and off... But my life has been EXTREMELY busy and hectic lately.
First off... I GOT A QA TESTER JOB!!! Wooo!!! I'm working for TT Games (The guys who do all the Lego games!) and i'm allowed to say i'm working on Lego Jurassic World... But that's all ;) . I'm...
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Well hey people... Hope you've all had a good Christmas... Or whatever you do at this time of year if you don't do that stuff. Plus hope you had a good New Years aswell!!!
Christmas was fairly good for me... Stayed in London with my fiancée for that and New Years. In fact i'm still there currently. Got some awesome things... A Pusheen toy (To...
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Well I vanished for quite a while, but i'm back for now. Eh where did I go and all..? Well I had mental blocks and the such... Plus I was in London for nearly a month! Just rarely think about posting blog posts when I actually have someone to talk to.
I went to my first ever Antichrist whilst I was in London... That was...
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Hello people! Hope all is well with you lot *nodnod*
I've been having a bit of a weird time lately. Anxiety jumping back in to my life... But at least I can mostly deal with it. True it never really left I suppose but lately it's just been quite an annoyance!
Anyway... Something cropped up in my brain lately (Probably because i've also been listening...
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Things have been up and down lately. Finally got the actual number of how much money i'm getting for my ill health retirement or whatever from work... Exactly as much as I thought it would be in my head. That's good at least... I know i've got it. Hurrah.
Today I went shopping... Bought a copy of Micro Machines for the Megadrive (Genesis), also some...
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Not much of a blog really... Just picked up Tropico 4 and all its DLC in the current Steam sale. So for this weekend I shall be running my own island in my dictator ways!!! Bwaaaahahahaha! Nah... I'm a goody two-shoes really in the end. At worst a "The end justify the means" kind of leader =P
Not really been up to much else really....
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Well I aint posted in over a week *shrug* just stuck between a blank brain and not really any new pictures to post. I hate only having old stuff to post, but I rarely ever seem to end up in front of a camera nowdays... And taking selfies aint quite my thing because they just don't quite come out right or really express me as...
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A whole lot has happened since my last blog... But there's one major thing...
I now have no job. Technically it's a good thing. I got my ill health redundancy (For Anxiety and Stress)... Which means I get a year's wages plus a little more. It's the boost I need to get out of Plymouth and start my life elsewhere in the UK. But... I've...
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So what have I been up to eh..? Bet you thought I stopped blogging again! Hah... Not quite yet *shrug*
Last Thursday I went and played MTG EDH with a bunch of friends. 6 way multiplayer my Nicol Bolas deck won (Barely), 3 way multiplayer Nicol Bolas won again (By luck really!), 3rd 3 way game I lost though. Felt rather sad when my friends...
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