A little-known fact about me: I have NEVER played Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. But you can witness me playing for the first time on Twitch right now! https://www.twitch.tv/rainedemure
I usually don't wear pink.
For those of you who have been following me for some time, this appearance may come as a great surprise! I don't think I've ever worn something like this before!
I have an upcoming birthday party to attend this afternoon, and the chosen color theme is pink and white. So I hope you enjoy this extremely rare sight!
It is
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Have you ever loved something so much that just the thought of it brings a smile to your face? For me, that special someone is my 13-year-old cat, Tiny.
Tiny is such a cuddle bug and is often the one you see in my lap during streams! He's been with me for so many wonderful years and has brought so much joy into my life.
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I've been tagged in this so much! And I finally have time to do it!
1. What are some things you love about spring?
One of the things I love most about spring is the snow melting!! Living in Canada there's almost always snow on the ground! I also love seeing all the trees start to bud and get their leaves and I have a
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Hello all you lovely people!!
Are you ready for some "Bubbly" fun??
In a little over two days' time, you get to see what happens when I'm left unsupervised with a bubble bath...
I'm really excited for this one to pop🫧(see what I did there? :P)
Had a lot of fun shooting it, I hope you all love it just
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@starry Took a leap of faith when I decided...
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Hey everyone!
Get ready - in just 5 days and 16 hours, the After Party begins!
I'm excited to announce that I plan on being live before the release, just like last time!
This set was an absolute blast to shoot, and I'm sure you're going to love it just as much as I do!
Q: 1/12 Which artist across all of history would you pick to create a fan art piece of you?
As a SuicideGirls hopeful, my affinity for the unconventional and alternative is a defining trait. We take what people think makes us strange or weird and redefine it to be what makes us exceptional. No one, no artist, embodies this better than the master of dramatic...
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