Today started off as a shit day.. fallen on hard times as of late (car was impounded, couldn't afford rent & received a notice to vacate & our wheel almost fell off the damn car with my daughter inside) & I've been on bedrest since 5.5 months pregnant & am due any day.. I went to the hospital with contractions spiking off the moniter & a hellacious back pain you wouldn't believe.. I was sent home because "I could talk through a contraction as she was rehooking me to the moniter. Needless to say, I was furious & my car got punched up haha.. BUT now I'm laying here in bed (still in labor unfortunately) with my big girl watching cartoons
she makes everything seem so much better than it is..
my life saver.. I can't wait to have my 2nd lil girl here on the outside since she's already trying to escape.. so then I can spoil them in free adventures in growing up in a fun loving (no matter how little we have) household. That, and so I can continue to pursue becoming a suicide girl, as I have passed the 1st part of the application, just have not been brave enough to submit a set... haha 

welcome here 

Thanks hun