Ok now for the full update on the weekends events...friday headed up to London with my boyfriend and our two friends who used to live in there.
Got there about 9pm, went out and ate loads of yummy vegan thai food.All you can eat for 6 mmmmmm. Walked around soho for a bit then headed home.
Saturday - the extremely busy day. Headed back to Soho for breakfast, went and saw the girls that work in paradiso (friends of my friends). Went and did some shopping ..bought some yummy vans, some iron on transfers/patches and some earrings. Some sweeties from cybercandy, comics and the new fruits book which is awesome. Some amazing outfits in there.
Went out on saturday night (as previous entry said), got quite drunk, met loads of random people including people who have actually been to my local pub back home which was bizarre.
Sunday - woke up feeling shit,
loads..but not through alcohol...ive drunk way more than that and felt fine. We headed off to spitelfields and brick lane market with making various stops due to
oh dear
I got an awesome tee shirt at bricklane..met a cool guy who has a stall which was all about pirates vs ninjas etc..Met allen tg ...he seemed cool. Ate yummy pasta. got home at about midnight.
This weekend i have a pirates vs ninja party...hence why i got an uber cool teeshirt.
Got there about 9pm, went out and ate loads of yummy vegan thai food.All you can eat for 6 mmmmmm. Walked around soho for a bit then headed home.
Saturday - the extremely busy day. Headed back to Soho for breakfast, went and saw the girls that work in paradiso (friends of my friends). Went and did some shopping ..bought some yummy vans, some iron on transfers/patches and some earrings. Some sweeties from cybercandy, comics and the new fruits book which is awesome. Some amazing outfits in there.
Went out on saturday night (as previous entry said), got quite drunk, met loads of random people including people who have actually been to my local pub back home which was bizarre.
Sunday - woke up feeling shit,

This weekend i have a pirates vs ninja party...hence why i got an uber cool teeshirt.

and where the heck did you eat for 6? is vegan thai food spicey? i cant deal with stuff too hot but that sounds great!
i dont know too much bout london so im abit scared HAHA