Hey to all you following my style change. Sorry I have not blogged for a few days work and personal life have been manic! So it's Friday and I started my life change on Monday. Wednesday I played rugby. That wa hard first game of the season and in a new position, happy I satires training and fitness wa up. Ate well that day, but smoked two joints.
Two smokes seems to be the way it is currently!! But diet has been very good. Yesterday I went for a 3 mile walk to deliver leaflets so I sty out with a 26.7 kg bag. After that I went for a 3 mike run up hi ll. check out my map my run?! Any one else on it??
Today Friday has been a long day at work so inahve not trikes today, but I have a game a of rugby tomorrow, and then 8 hours at work finishing between midnight and 01:00. So not too bothered that whilst I did not train today, I ate well, work hard and yep had 3 glasses of red wine!
Sunday I am off so it weights and run. Will keep u posted. Tanks to all my followers for this blog
@teddy_kev, old Skool brudda. @lucerne, @iggy, @artillery, and of the course the amazing beautiful and perfect sexy and woman who I have to be honest besotted with, @peppers_