So life has taken a massive turn for the better, has now branched out to become core records how sweet is that, going into the studio Sat to do our sound checks and equipment checks and the first band will be recording their album with us next week.
So I am looking for any unsigned band signed bands/artisits out there to give air time too and if the public likes them, well the next step is........refer to first paragraph
Please go to and like the page. Tonight from 21:00 hrs BST is the Rock show with Al Muir.
So I am looking for any unsigned band signed bands/artisits out there to give air time too and if the public likes them, well the next step is........refer to first paragraph

Please go to and like the page. Tonight from 21:00 hrs BST is the Rock show with Al Muir.
Thanks a lot for supporting my set! Is really nice reading all those comments! 

thanks man, I will try again =-( we started late in the day and I had a few drinks in me ha but perhaps better next time eh? we shall see =-)