Well it appears the storm has passed, and I am very glad. My arms received a real workout shovelling snow off my looooong driveway, as well as having to saw up and remove the 7 trees that fell across the driveway. What a storm. We got a huge dump of a foot and a half of snow. The power was out for 2 days, and on the 3rd day it was on and off. Unreliable. Luckily I had nothing urgent to do, however I did have to reschedule plans.
Manifesting has been going good. I am expanding my internet business to include a wider selection of ayurvedic medicines (Herbs, oils, pills, etc). I would've had the site up and completed already, though I had to reschedule things because of the snow storm. Things are going smoothly now though, and I should be completing the upgrades to my site throughout this week and next.
Peace, hope everyone is doing good.
Well it appears the storm has passed, and I am very glad. My arms received a real workout shovelling snow off my looooong driveway, as well as having to saw up and remove the 7 trees that fell across the driveway. What a storm. We got a huge dump of a foot and a half of snow. The power was out for 2 days, and on the 3rd day it was on and off. Unreliable. Luckily I had nothing urgent to do, however I did have to reschedule plans.
Manifesting has been going good. I am expanding my internet business to include a wider selection of ayurvedic medicines (Herbs, oils, pills, etc). I would've had the site up and completed already, though I had to reschedule things because of the snow storm. Things are going smoothly now though, and I should be completing the upgrades to my site throughout this week and next.
Peace, hope everyone is doing good.

All good here sweet Rainbow. I'm off SG. Thanks for helping me be more open minded and less stubborn. you'll do well what ever you do.

That sounds good. Post your site when it's completed. Bought a Sychronicity, book today. First book I've seen. Wonder what type of thoughts it will have to help futher the Impossible. Keep up the work. Just knowing you are out there makes the impoosibe possible.