sooooo i had a crazy ass two days.
yesterday @ about 8 am i get a call from one of my pro snowboard friends in vail, colorado. they are shooting a new ads for vail and they want me to shoot the whole ad campaign.
it will be so sick. i will get paid to hang out with my friends, party, and snowboard. ohhhh what.................
i have taken a brake from shooting snowboarding so i guess i better get back on the horse.
then later in the day T calls me and has to go to vegas for a couple of days for a roxy shoot, and wants me to go.
so i book a flight 4 last night and then have to rebook it, for 2day. i had 2 rebook it because i had to drop off some stuff of dani"s. i really was going to put off droping that shit off till i got back..... but after she text me and told me about long day she had, i could not put it off. if you dont know i was the worst boyfriend she has ever had, so putting of a trip for 12 hours or so was the very very VERY least i could do!
sooooo anyway.......i wake up late 2day drop off the goods,drive way over the speed limit and was the last person on the plane.
now after a day of hanging out on a roxy shoot, i am chillin my hotel room waiting for T to get ready, so we can go party with some people from the shoot.
2morrow it is back to new mex and in the car to colorado for a snowboard shoot.
it has been a long 4days.
oh and i found out i rebroke my wrist. yeh, so much fun.
well bye 4 now
yesterday @ about 8 am i get a call from one of my pro snowboard friends in vail, colorado. they are shooting a new ads for vail and they want me to shoot the whole ad campaign.
it will be so sick. i will get paid to hang out with my friends, party, and snowboard. ohhhh what.................
i have taken a brake from shooting snowboarding so i guess i better get back on the horse.
then later in the day T calls me and has to go to vegas for a couple of days for a roxy shoot, and wants me to go.
so i book a flight 4 last night and then have to rebook it, for 2day. i had 2 rebook it because i had to drop off some stuff of dani"s. i really was going to put off droping that shit off till i got back..... but after she text me and told me about long day she had, i could not put it off. if you dont know i was the worst boyfriend she has ever had, so putting of a trip for 12 hours or so was the very very VERY least i could do!
sooooo anyway.......i wake up late 2day drop off the goods,drive way over the speed limit and was the last person on the plane.
now after a day of hanging out on a roxy shoot, i am chillin my hotel room waiting for T to get ready, so we can go party with some people from the shoot.
2morrow it is back to new mex and in the car to colorado for a snowboard shoot.
it has been a long 4days.
oh and i found out i rebroke my wrist. yeh, so much fun.
well bye 4 now
Hope your wrist gets better soon! how was Vegas? fun I hope, shoot me a line and we'll talk about the shoot and stuff, I know my sis would love to work with you again

thanks for the birthday wishes....