I've been feeling alittle outside myself lately. I'm not exactly sure why.. or even sure of what brought it on. I just know that I've been in a serious funk for the last few days... weeks even.
Things seem like they are getting somewhat back to normal. However, there is always this nagging feeling of panic sneeking up on me. Could it be money? Most possibly. However, that should all be straight before long too. So, what is it?
Maybe I'm just bored with myself. I don't seem as exciting as I used to be even six months before. I feel uninteresting. And that's a terrible feeling too. Have you ever felt uninteresting before? It's not a picnic.
I'm not sure why I feel uninteresting all of the sudden. I have alot going on. Alot "in the works" so to say. So, again, what is it?
I need a car. Maybe that's what it is. Maybe I'm just lacking my independence. I'm having to depend on someone for everything and it's so not like me. I've never had to do that before.. well, not since I was a kid. And it frightens me. I need to get a car. I need to get a job. I need my own money and my own way to get around.. and then things will feel normal again. Maybe that's what is slowly driving me insane and out of touch with myself.
Things seem like they are getting somewhat back to normal. However, there is always this nagging feeling of panic sneeking up on me. Could it be money? Most possibly. However, that should all be straight before long too. So, what is it?
Maybe I'm just bored with myself. I don't seem as exciting as I used to be even six months before. I feel uninteresting. And that's a terrible feeling too. Have you ever felt uninteresting before? It's not a picnic.
I'm not sure why I feel uninteresting all of the sudden. I have alot going on. Alot "in the works" so to say. So, again, what is it?
I need a car. Maybe that's what it is. Maybe I'm just lacking my independence. I'm having to depend on someone for everything and it's so not like me. I've never had to do that before.. well, not since I was a kid. And it frightens me. I need to get a car. I need to get a job. I need my own money and my own way to get around.. and then things will feel normal again. Maybe that's what is slowly driving me insane and out of touch with myself.

ahhh yes. the carlessness. it weakens morale.