So I am more than likely going to Dragon Con again this year, and for once I would like to make an actual character costume instead of creating my own ensemble. I have looked at many different video game characters and movie characters and have decided that I want to go as, who I believe is, the cutest female character from my favorite video game Legend of Dragoon, Meru. She's way super-spunky and cute and her costume is not too elaborate or difficult to make and it stands out in a crowd for sure. I am probably even going to dye my hair blue for it., it would take a while to do that (since my hair is so dark and hers is so light) but it is achievable. What do ya think? cute or what?

Dragon Con is like comicon but bigger I think and has alot more than just comics but sci-fi and horror and anime is big now. it has like way more than any regular con. Its held at the Marriott Marquis hotel and the Hyatt hotel.