So I am debating on whether or not to keep my account on this site. I don't use it too much anymore and idk if anyone ever looks at it anymore. On the other hand I am thinking about maybe doing some more photo sets and things of that sort but NOT sending them in to SG to be bought, because the contract is so restricting and if i want to keep working with my current modeling agent I can't really be signing something of that sort without consequence. I do have fun doing the photo sets and stuff, and would like to post more but i have NO idea how to upload them from the computer to the site completely because it wont let you upload large files for some ridiculous reason.
Maybe ill just make my own site for that sort of thing... who knows.
In recent events I have my sheriff's work card and am going to start work tomorrow as an exotic dancer at Little Darlings. Stage name will be Pepper..... I can joke around about getting a PhD.. (if anyone gets that i'll be a miracle) soon I shall have shit tons of money!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!!! ill blow all the money on Vietnamese food and video games!!!
after tomorrow the first thing I am going to do is buy a new phone since my old one got broked T_T.
I am also probably going to have to do something about the fact that my toenail got ripped off... it doesn't look too bad and it didn't hurt or bleed... i think maybe fake nails or acrylics can cover it up nicely and since i know how to get that stuff off without ripping the layers off my nails it wont suck so bad. I'll paint my nails pink again!! cause it is cute ^_^.
Hopefully sometime soon i can also start looking at going back to school to finish up really quick and start making plans for college even. I at least want to get my GED or something, If it is at all possible i'd like a diploma but if push comes to shove, i can find other ways. I am mainly doing it for my grandparents anyways... and to piss off my mom.
ANYWAYS i am hoping to start making some new friends over here so if in fact anyone from Vegas that wants to maybe chill with me every once in a while then hit me up. I live near South Coast, and usually have nothing to do cause people are usually working or something like that.
peace out peoples.
Maybe ill just make my own site for that sort of thing... who knows.
In recent events I have my sheriff's work card and am going to start work tomorrow as an exotic dancer at Little Darlings. Stage name will be Pepper..... I can joke around about getting a PhD.. (if anyone gets that i'll be a miracle) soon I shall have shit tons of money!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!!! ill blow all the money on Vietnamese food and video games!!!

I am also probably going to have to do something about the fact that my toenail got ripped off... it doesn't look too bad and it didn't hurt or bleed... i think maybe fake nails or acrylics can cover it up nicely and since i know how to get that stuff off without ripping the layers off my nails it wont suck so bad. I'll paint my nails pink again!! cause it is cute ^_^.
Hopefully sometime soon i can also start looking at going back to school to finish up really quick and start making plans for college even. I at least want to get my GED or something, If it is at all possible i'd like a diploma but if push comes to shove, i can find other ways. I am mainly doing it for my grandparents anyways... and to piss off my mom.
ANYWAYS i am hoping to start making some new friends over here so if in fact anyone from Vegas that wants to maybe chill with me every once in a while then hit me up. I live near South Coast, and usually have nothing to do cause people are usually working or something like that.
peace out peoples.
hey Raidne... how is everything going?
Hmm... I don't see why you'd tuck tail and run now