I sure do like waiting years between postings. I'd like to say that much has changed, but not a lot has. I've gone backwards in some respects.

Over the summer, I had to move back in with my parents as my roommates decided to live yet even further from my work - albeit closer to theirs. I can't blame them. It's just a sign I...
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Change has occurred! Finally moved out on a whim with two friends.

We've a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment in Farmington Hills. It's an old apartment complex, but for the price I can't really complain. I also received a raise at work. Things are looking up for me. I'm apprehensive though because it's rare that good things happen to me. I'm going to take it...
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yeah... i thought so... my friend was arguing about it with me and i lost my confidence so i conceded.. now im going to go rub it in his face.. i knew it was major.....
Time to make some major changes in my life. This starts with looking for a new place to live.
My car is finally fixed. Go new suspension! Now all that's left is to win the Mega Millions...

Michigan weather can't make up it's damn mind. mad
So last summer I was in an accident which totaled my car. I went about a month without a car before finding a decent ride. It had a coolant leak (minor) which had to be repaired and went a couple of months ignoring it.

The time finally came and I had it repaired. Just as I thought I was in the clear with my car...
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There's a first for everything.

I was pulled over.

I was charged with a Civil Infraction - Wrong Way/One Way. The fine is $115 and 2 points on my license.

I'm blowing this way out of proportion. I shouldn't seeing as how it was my first "offense", but anyone that's been pulled over is always bummed out.

I'll get over it. I know I'm a...
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Thanks for the request LOVE the final fantasy photos.
Why does it have to be so fucking cold out? I mean seriously. I know the climate change isn't a good thing, but being a negative twenty degrees is overdoing it. Colts won the Super Bowl to my dismay (not that I actually paid any attention to the season, I just wanted the Bears to win).

I'm sitting here right now contemplating when I should...
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