the inner confidence of a man. the workings of his heart and of the convictions he can truly live with. the quiet servant/leader. his sense of humor a flag whipping back at the winds of fate and destiny. marching through time as a thousand stories march through memory. through toleration and open-mindedness, intelligence and wisdom, through art and inspiration he inscribes the experience of humanity on his heart and then burns it within the unknowingness of eternity for all future generations to possess. this strength born of weakness. our origins both sought and denied in a malestrom of science. we are the phoenix, rebuilding ourselves and our images. reworking the dust and clay. shaping wood and bodies into expression and desire. we worship and remain being full of the desire to praise and to know and to create. we are the balance upon which the great evils and blessings of every age have been weighed and the burdens. we a pyschological and diabolical often at the same time. we unlock our minds through drugs. and man loosens the reigns of his senses. the conscience like a crumbling carraige is whisked down into new paths filled with shadows and seductions. we school and yet remain teachers every day of our lives. man finds himself becoming more apathetic as sensationalist culture envelops his heart. man craves purpose. and without purpose where is belief, honor, and truth? withouth truth there is no god. godless men are men who indeed wish for no god and who take up that title in error. for god is as inexplicable from man as is water from the ocean. man's confidence is god's confidence and every man assured of himself despite a world of opinions has always embraced his spiritual relationship with that higher being.
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