i have to pick my ass ... reaall baad!
wooo! a full fucking week of vacation off of work was just the cure i needed. a week to blow money i don't have and to prove once again that having a plan isn't as important as having a sense of humor.
the trip to california had a badass and rather eclectic soundtrack including:
tori amos
nick drake
rufus wainwright
ani difranco
and many many others
food consisted of free croissants and
cheesy eggs
turkey sandwiches
sourdough bowls filled with mushroom soup
and other somewhat tasteless and overpreiced cuisine
as far as where we went...well we pretty much raped the pacific coast highway up one way and then back the other stopping for a lazy afternoon on laguna beach where we met this totally rad fisherman who apparently had the power to summon dolphins and who also reccomended we go to jamaica for our next vacation. after that we somehow managed to sneak over to disneyland and with my super-pimpin' connexions scored two free tix into the park. the magic kingdom ruled my world considering that the last time i was there was when i was like five years old so all the rides were novel and exciting.
favorite ride: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN!!!!!
then the trip back which was blarrrrrg butr i'm here once again, safe in my shitty apartment, broke but happy.
i have to pick my ass ... reaall baad!
wooo! a full fucking week of vacation off of work was just the cure i needed. a week to blow money i don't have and to prove once again that having a plan isn't as important as having a sense of humor.
the trip to california had a badass and rather eclectic soundtrack including:
tori amos
nick drake
rufus wainwright
ani difranco
and many many others
food consisted of free croissants and
cheesy eggs
turkey sandwiches
sourdough bowls filled with mushroom soup
and other somewhat tasteless and overpreiced cuisine
as far as where we went...well we pretty much raped the pacific coast highway up one way and then back the other stopping for a lazy afternoon on laguna beach where we met this totally rad fisherman who apparently had the power to summon dolphins and who also reccomended we go to jamaica for our next vacation. after that we somehow managed to sneak over to disneyland and with my super-pimpin' connexions scored two free tix into the park. the magic kingdom ruled my world considering that the last time i was there was when i was like five years old so all the rides were novel and exciting.
favorite ride: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN!!!!!
then the trip back which was blarrrrrg butr i'm here once again, safe in my shitty apartment, broke but happy.