search is on for the perfect girl, I know there is no such thing since it's really just an ideal. I just want some one close to my ideal girl. I find that I like the girls I can't have. I will project all the things I would want in a girl on to the girls I can't have. I meet a girl and get...
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I really would like to add all the little thing but get caught up with what to but and end up with nothing, such is life.
any kind pretty muchhh
why is trying to find a new apartment so hard? I like looking at new places but landlords are a-holes. I have a place that I like and the guy says he has someone else interest... oh right so I should just sign now. That's fine I will wait, what that person didn't sign wow I'm shocked. So like I said before I will take...
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I've had a lot of shit happen since my last post but don't have the time or energy to go in to that now. One good thing is well I hope it is I got a new car mazda3 sedan.
seems no one wants the tickets to No Doubt/Paramore because they are playing everywhere this month. I'm now faced with going by myself and giving away a ticket, or just giving away both. I don't like the last one. Why is everyone out of town this week. I tried giving away these tickets to fiends and still no luck.
I sold them, yes
I'm done for the day, it was long with a lot of quirks like someone I know used my name and dented my credit. I think I just have those layered days you just keep pealing away. If your reading this drop me a line trying to expand my circle. night.
okay I have to keep putting up concert tickets on craigslist to No Doubt/Paramore because the person that talked me into getting them is out of town.... WTF
I love this site so far, I always wanted to join. I'm glad I finally did.
Another fun filled day! Oh shit it's that late, got to go.........................
Hello all, just joined today. looking around seeing what's what. drop a comment, I'm looking to make some friends. Wow that sounds lonely.
