Hey SGLand! Today I wanna tell you about a trip to Santa Catarina's Coast I made some days ago <3
We went from Rio Grande do Sul to Santa Catarina by motorcycle and this trip was planned for many months before the date, but things got really crazy when the day arrived! We started traveling on a Thursday at 5a.m., it was still dark, and sooo cold, we weren’t prepared for that cause it was our fist long travel HAHA
We stoped to have lunch by noon and discovered that while we were on the road a lockdown between the coast and the rest of the state started and we freaked out a bit, most because it rained a lot and some barriers fell off and we were basically stuck there and could just move on and pray that we could cross the barrier, we were more than half of the way far from home! Luckly we were going to our aunt's house so the police had no problem about letting us keep going.
The trip was planned to last 10 hours but we took 16 hours to arrive, it was all insane!
On Saturday we luckly had some hours of sun and went hiking on the hills. There I saw some of the most beautiful landscapes of my life (I'll make an IGTV about it and post it here too!)
The view was incredible, there were natural pools, we could see the rain far from us, like an isolated thing in the sky. Nature is perfect!
When we were coming back, the motorcycle broke HAHAH But we were so lucky, 'cause it happened 5 blocks away from a friend's house at the seashore, and his neighbor had a motorcycle trailer so we could bring the bike back home by car. As we were stuck on the road, we enjoyed the beach a bit more, this one was desert so we felt comfortable going to the sea.
Then, we came back home with this awesome sunset!
Hope you like the view as much as I did <3