My home is big enough for me to have many animals, some of them my parents gave to me and some of them were adopted! I Will show them to you today :)
The bigger one is Kefera, I took her from na animal shelter and she was in really bad conditions back then. She has a skin fungus and it has no cure. She has to take special baths and meds forever. But now she is very happy and with no pain!
The little one is Lisa, we adopted her after one of my relatives didn't want her anymore. She has a disease called myelitis and 5 herniated discs. She also takes meds every day. Now she is verry happy and healthy!
This is Freya, she was found on the street, she has a broken feet that healed in the wrong position, so she can't walk very well 'cause that feet doesn't move. Her feathers aren't waterproof so if she gets wet she can die of hypotermia. But she often gets bath when it's very hot and sunny!
Frigga, the newest one, I found her in a feed store, It was love in the first view. There were many people trying to adopt her first but she was meant to be with me.
And the oldest one, Sozoshi. On 2013’s christmas i was at a city party downtown and i heard some desperate “meows”. I was almost crazy looking for where that was omng from, until I found him inside the engine of a car. I asked for help for anyone who was passing by and two kind men stopped and entered under the car for me. They were able to take him out of there and gave him to me. Sozoshi means “noisy” because if it wasn't for his meowings he maybe wounld’t never be found. This is him then and now! (yea he looks mad but is super lovely)
I also donate online for NGO's that I believe make good use of the donations and there are legal.
And you, what do you do?
@jacqueline @missy @rambo @sean
Beautiful animals. I adopted 2 tabby brothers last year and it was the best thing ever did , I love them so much ♥️
this is soooo important