Blog Homework >>> In honor of SuicideGirls Super Sweet 16 ... Post a photo of you at 16 and tell us about a memory you have from that year. Thanks to @missy and @rambo !
Hey SG Land! As you can see, after a couple of years I came back to the same baby face I had when I was 16!(but now with glasses haha) I decided to cut my bangs again this year for my cosplay set that is coming soon, here on SG ;)
At that year I took the courage to discolor a part of my hair and paint in white, then purple, then blue... and also cut my bangs. I took courage to bring my inside person to the surface, to be who I really am!
It was also the year I left a shitty private school (after 10 years of bullying) and went to a state school. It was the best thing I’ve ever done. And that’s my best memory, at this year I became happy!
(and sorry for the crapy quality of these pics HAHA)