Briefly, but I didn't care for it. I'm still inspired by it 18 months later... Put this one Facebook earlier. I think I might put more on here...
I was adding a message to my class reunion page and thought I'd share the meat of it...
Like most of us, we didn't hang around with some others for various reasons. I am not judging, just a little post-dated observation. I am SURE that everyone in our class knew of me, even if they didn't know me. The same can be said in reverse as well. That is one of life's lessons that we learn too late to make changes. But, once learned, we can make future changes.
You get 365 chances to start something new every year. Whatcha got planned for tomorrow? LIVE LIFE!!!! Existing is what was done in the past to get us here. Now it's our time to make what we want and that may not necessarily where were currently are.
365 sounds like a lot. Lemmy break it down to a more manageable amount for us to consider where we want to be next summer. On average. We'll see 75 summers. 43 of those are now gone. How many are you going to allow to pass w/o standing up and doing something; anything?