Life has been rather sad for me lately. Im still trying to maintain a smile where I go but its hard.
My younger brother Haider has been kicked out of home because his behaviour has been getting out of hand and mum couldn't tolerate it any more.
My family dynamics is messed up. I left home when I was 18 because my dad is ...erm..not a nice man. I have kept in touch with my mum and siblings with out my Dad knowing and now my brother has become the spitting image of my Dad and behaves just like him. I have spoken to Mum on several occasions about geting the GP to refer him to a specialist. But she wouldn't...something about Dad not letting her because he thinks Haider is fine, when in actual fact he is not!!!!!
As much as I dislike Haider for the way he has be treating Mum I had to go and help him to sort out accommadtion and get a job and got him to agree to seek some help about his violent temper. Unforunatly he didn't wanna stay in a hostel, he has been used to living in a lap of luxuary where is everything is done for him...except for wiping his ass.
Talking to him is sooooooooooo fucking frustrating, he victimizes himself and denys his viloent outburts or on the rare occasion where he does admit to them then he rationalizes it by saying that mum or whomever where annoying him! argh
If I can only just show you how giving and kind my mum is...I don't think I would do her justice. Last week before Haider was kicked out I started to come to terms that he was gonna be the cause of her death and it was gonna happen soon and its out of my control.
Sorry for being so morbid but thats how I have been feeling.
I believe that there is still a chance of helping Haider become a better person as he is still young and he has excepted that he needs help.
My next entry will be much happier I promise.
Skulls and sunshine
My younger brother Haider has been kicked out of home because his behaviour has been getting out of hand and mum couldn't tolerate it any more.
My family dynamics is messed up. I left home when I was 18 because my dad is ...erm..not a nice man. I have kept in touch with my mum and siblings with out my Dad knowing and now my brother has become the spitting image of my Dad and behaves just like him. I have spoken to Mum on several occasions about geting the GP to refer him to a specialist. But she wouldn't...something about Dad not letting her because he thinks Haider is fine, when in actual fact he is not!!!!!
As much as I dislike Haider for the way he has be treating Mum I had to go and help him to sort out accommadtion and get a job and got him to agree to seek some help about his violent temper. Unforunatly he didn't wanna stay in a hostel, he has been used to living in a lap of luxuary where is everything is done for him...except for wiping his ass.
Talking to him is sooooooooooo fucking frustrating, he victimizes himself and denys his viloent outburts or on the rare occasion where he does admit to them then he rationalizes it by saying that mum or whomever where annoying him! argh

Sorry for being so morbid but thats how I have been feeling.
I believe that there is still a chance of helping Haider become a better person as he is still young and he has excepted that he needs help.
My next entry will be much happier I promise.
Skulls and sunshine

and yeah been to montreal before.I liked it.