The semester is over and I'm feeling fine~!
It was getting a little rough there towards the end. Both class grades came up yesterday and I blew them out of the water! Double As! The one in Web110 was the kicker. I was so sure it would be much lower. But here we are. One more semester down and one step closer to being where I want to be.
Oh! Speaking of. My big sister's boyfriend helps run a fantasy sports site and they kinda hired me to make some little sportsball characters to float around different pages. So there's that. Now I need to figure out what the hell "roll tide" means...
So Sony gave in to the hackings of that silly man in the power seat of NK, eh? That sucks. I'm wondering what kind of precedence that's going to set for the rest of the world. Can we no longer riff on movies, foreign of otherwise? Will political cartoons will be a thing of the past? This'll be fun seeing how it all plays out.
Bah. The world is a silly place. Made sillier by the silliest of people given an iota of control. Silliness.
More news! I'm working, slowly, on the ad for my first comic book issue. It's going to appear in a friend's first issue as well. Here's a preview, eh?
They're having fun. :3
Hmm... the PNG format is a strange thing... Anyway. Those are the inks and beginnings of actual color. The lines aren't actually that thick. Uploading it did that for some reason... I finally figured out that the paintbrush tool is what I wanted, not the pencil tool. Makes the lines more smooth and less pixelated. Still trying desperately to figure out a brush preset that I like that isn't a default. But I'll get there. I still have a ways to go with the skin tones, too. Wrong shades all around, but that's what a base color is for. I have a little notebook where I keep the hex codes for colors that I've seen and want to try, or have tried and don't work. That's something my Web class taught me this last semester. Hex codes. That's all I use now. And the Kuler wheel. I love that damn thing. Thanks be to Adobe!
I think that's all I have time for today. Lots of things happening. I gotta learn to wake up earlier so I have time to do it all. I'll catch you sexy people later!