Do you have a morning routine? When you wake up and groggily roll your sexy ass out of bed, do you roll said sexy ass straight to the bathroom, use the toilet, brush your teeth and shower? Or do you do something else before that? Do you look in the mirror? When you look at yourself in the mirror, is it in admiration? Do you flex? Make funny faces? Do you screw with your hair and think awesome things about yourself? Well, you should! Because why the fuck not? Its positive reinforcement, kids! If you feel like shit, then its seriously as easy as saying "Hey, it could be worse." Then punching whatever the fuck is troubling you in the face and moving on with life. Get some ice cream or pizza, you crazy mofo. You deserve it!
I turned 25.... wow. Only ten days ago. Shit. Feels like a lifetime already. The last nineteen days have already tried to beat my head in fifty different ways. All kinds of stress at work, home and school... er... lack of school. And I apparently suck at money... Who knew?
I knew. That was a trick question. You don't need to answer that.
But life has been looking up since day one of 2014. The house is being remodeled, I'm saving up for the summer semester and getting other projects done in the meantime. Don't believe me, you say?
Look at that face! My hairy ass is ECSTATIC to be painting my room. Just finished the ceiling. Going to be doing the walls and everything tomorrow. Fuck, I need the change of pace. I may still be in this asshole of a town, but at least I can make whats mine to my own tastes. And I'm getting a new desk?! Slow that roll, because I'm on fie-ah! I can't wait to have a space to do all my drawing and nerf tinkering! Ah! Feng shui does the soul good, eh?
Whatever has you down, if anything at all, all you have to remember is that... this is a brand new year. You have all the time in the world to make your dreams a reality. Its never too late, as long as you are alive!
Maybe that's too much optimism for some? I've had a lot of people get pissed at me because I refused to be miserable with them. Ha ha! I still have a hard time figuring out why. Heh.
In any case. Did any of that make any sense? I might have crossed a wire here or there...
Stay gold, sexy people! Much love!