well kids-i'm back, and i'm tired. sometimes i allow myself to forget how much my family annoys me-and i don't know. it wasn't as bad as it could have been-even my mom was tolerable and i wasn't expecting her to be there. we hung out with brian-which is always kinda weird-but he wasn't giving me dirty looks for once-and i think he actually likes chris-which is a big improvement. we went and saw sooper cool jesse at work-and then ran drug dealer errands, left brian at some guys house and then met up with him again later. we went to go and get beer-and who should we run into but freaking pizzarelli. well actually i should say brian and chris ran into him-which is unfair cause i wanted to see how he looks now and find out if he even remembers me but ah-whatever. i'm sure i'll live. so yeah we hung out with the sooper dyke for a few minutes or something-and we did the big trade off-and then one of her dyke buddies came over and we gave them a ride to drunken dyke land. and nothing else realyl happened. we sat on the roof of my grandma's house and had a few beers-it was freezing cold and i was sure we'd perish-but we lived. i got cute baby pictures of myself-i smoked myself retarded-i'm coming to the cimclusion that my little brothers kind of annoy me even though they are growing up-and um black people are way too loud. there should be a rule against allowing more than 3 or 4 of them in one room. yeah i got a headache as soon as we got there. anyway-i should be unpacking the car or maybe my bags-or cleaning up my room. so maybe i'll come back later with more fun tales. we'll see.
Mottled blueblack sky.
A sudden moon -- briefly! Then:
Blueblack mottled sky...
"If you ask me what time is, I don't know the answer. If you don't ask me, I do."