With a cup of coffee in hand, a belly full of fiber, and the two piglets snoozing away under my chair, it makes me wonder what more I have to long for.
I was "thinking" last night at work - after watching an endless stream of neighborhood pups walk by the restaurant - that animals are probably the #1 thing that can drive me to tears. This has become quite a debilitating problem as the Life channel is now off limits for me.
I started my 1/2 sleeve last week and have already given my artists name and email to 4 individuals who either thought he had "mad skillz" or were simply taken at how botany could look so fucking good.
I'll post some pictures as soon as I take some.
I'm also hitting another low point in my academic career as I listen to endless conversations about honours projects and the notorious 10.0 GPA...they can all lick my ass..*slurp*slurp*
My best friend of almost 20 years got a job in Vancouver and left 3 days ago. This is another reason that I am feeling the "career crunch"; I am a waitress.
Speaking of being a waitress, I was idling around my section yesterday afternoon and happened to have the pleasure of seeing an SG come in apply for a job. I recognized her right away, however did not say anything (obviously) and am contemplating "telling" her the odd coincidence
. It was funny yet a little creepy all in the same since I did not know her name, but I had seen her boobies...
Jon Stewart is calling my name from the TV set...I need my Jon, be it in the am or pm.
I was "thinking" last night at work - after watching an endless stream of neighborhood pups walk by the restaurant - that animals are probably the #1 thing that can drive me to tears. This has become quite a debilitating problem as the Life channel is now off limits for me.
I started my 1/2 sleeve last week and have already given my artists name and email to 4 individuals who either thought he had "mad skillz" or were simply taken at how botany could look so fucking good.
I'll post some pictures as soon as I take some.
I'm also hitting another low point in my academic career as I listen to endless conversations about honours projects and the notorious 10.0 GPA...they can all lick my ass..*slurp*slurp*
My best friend of almost 20 years got a job in Vancouver and left 3 days ago. This is another reason that I am feeling the "career crunch"; I am a waitress.
Speaking of being a waitress, I was idling around my section yesterday afternoon and happened to have the pleasure of seeing an SG come in apply for a job. I recognized her right away, however did not say anything (obviously) and am contemplating "telling" her the odd coincidence

Jon Stewart is calling my name from the TV set...I need my Jon, be it in the am or pm.

Thank you! If you're ever in San Francisco, go to Lyle Tuttles. They're the best!
Okay neighbors from the North. In one week I'm travelling to Dorset, specifically Lake Kawagama for days on end of mountain biking. What else is there to do? If nothing, I'll just keep pedaling.