I sometimes wonder why i felt i had so many insightful and note-worthy things to write about when i was 16 and now that I know what drama is really about, i have no words to express myself.
I feel like I'm trapped by my job...like it has me by the balls and i can't just quit and tell them all to go fuck themselves because I'll have my car taken from me and my dogs will go hungry and I won;t be able to finish school so that i can become something more than a waitress in a shit pub full of shit people! You all know who you are....It's a very unwitty paradox, very shit
I am ashamed to admit i like the new Green Day track that's out and i sing it in my head whenever it's on....I love that my friend rienne has joined the site so that she can see all the hot girls that occupy most of my time. I am mainly just rambling as of now because i can't seem to put a few good sentences together to express how i fell-i have stated that i am a science student (we don't write essays very often).
i'm starting to design my half sleeve and am anticipating starting it by christmas.
birthday is in less than 2 weeks
my man still makes my loins burn
when i look at myself in front of the mirror before i get in the shower i feel like i'm wearing a big balloon that's been stretched over my skin = cottage cheese country. genetics can be a sad and a beautiful thing. it seems you get a mix, with an even ratio of icky : yummy...it never ends up being the way you want though.
I feel like I'm trapped by my job...like it has me by the balls and i can't just quit and tell them all to go fuck themselves because I'll have my car taken from me and my dogs will go hungry and I won;t be able to finish school so that i can become something more than a waitress in a shit pub full of shit people! You all know who you are....It's a very unwitty paradox, very shit
I am ashamed to admit i like the new Green Day track that's out and i sing it in my head whenever it's on....I love that my friend rienne has joined the site so that she can see all the hot girls that occupy most of my time. I am mainly just rambling as of now because i can't seem to put a few good sentences together to express how i fell-i have stated that i am a science student (we don't write essays very often).
i'm starting to design my half sleeve and am anticipating starting it by christmas.
birthday is in less than 2 weeks
my man still makes my loins burn
when i look at myself in front of the mirror before i get in the shower i feel like i'm wearing a big balloon that's been stretched over my skin = cottage cheese country. genetics can be a sad and a beautiful thing. it seems you get a mix, with an even ratio of icky : yummy...it never ends up being the way you want though.
