I once read a silly little theory about the source of every single great idea. The writer, a rather brilliant satirist, postulated that all great moments of inspiration, those quintessential eurekas!, are the result of a happy little collision between a sentient consciousness and a uniquely useful idea. The thing is that the Big Idea actually has a physical construct.

The theory is that the...
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...where do I start?
A theory about particulate matter creating the "spark" that creates all important advancements....provable.
Interesting to think about, although, that is quite far from the "destined" belief most hold, that everything happens for a reason, and those meant to be blessed with such ideas, were always going to have them, irregardless.
And if they did not, some other great mind with the same reasoning and logic would come up with it.
..that everything comes to fruition one way or another, because it is "meant to be"
It would seem a lot of Medieval advancements/ideas "sprouted" up around the globe all in the same time frame...
As if there is some sort of "global consciousness"
Like certain ancient weapons, tools, and materials all being found oceans apart, all being utilized, and commencing in the same time periods...that fact always amused me greatly.

Another interesting cosmic, penetrating, and proven particle to look into is the Neutrino. Quite interesting, this little guy comes from an unfathomable distance away, and rains down over us at all times, and it actually penetrates every substance, regardless of density!
They are now using it in the military to "scan" engines, or like things at check points/borders to see hidden stuffs, as well, they are using it to penetrate far into the ground to better determine volcanic activity, and to lengthen warning time.

I love the idea of "space junk" raining through my body at all times...deliciously violating!!

Well, you got me, I do have to learn to "calm the fuck down" and stop buzzing around with 100 thoughts in my head at all times, with a list of 101 to do's alongside it, and appreciate my significant other.
I tend to lash, and lecture him for not keeping up, reacting fast enough, not processing information quickly, or efficiently enough....
sheesh...I need to be more grateful, indeed.
I wrote this about six months ago after a break up with a really great woman. We're still fast friends (which is sometimes bittersweet) but I was at a point where I thought we had "it". When the breakup came, I really felt like "if THIS one isn't going to work, what the hell is it gonna take?!" I felt (and feel) that sometimes it isn't about fate...it's just blind luck. The bottom line is that two otherwise very compatible people just weren't in the same phase of life, and one of them had to go take care of other things. Simple as that. It really seemed that the key was simple blind luck, which is why I wrote this little essay.

I am not really a beliver in any sort of Divine intelligence, and I really doubt that anyone "has a plan for me". I'd like to believe in that, but I can't. Ah, well....I do believe in Love. My heart is healing nicely, and I am optimistic about future possibilities.

As for your points, I don't think a "global conciousness" and chaotic blind luck are mutually exclusive. During the Dark Ages there were plenty of great ideas, but forces like The Church and various monarchies had a stranglehold on knowledge and power for centuries, and any poor bastard who challenged it was burnt at the stake, or worse. I think the Renaissance came about as the Church weakened and bright people became emboldened, but if mass conciousness is a part of that, I'm cool. :-)

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

I am grateful.

Please feel free to check out my Myspace profile to get to know a little about me. Peace!
Thanks for checking out my set.
Hi. I guess you can check out my Myspace profile to get the lowdown on who I am in general. Sorta. It's kinda tame, but then I often put that vibe out to the world. I identify with pirates and I am a Scorpio (very), but during the daytime I go about disguised as a (mostly) mild-mannered consultant. My tats are all hidden, but occasioanlly...
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