July. Where did it go? I just looked back on my calendar and realized that I slept in my own bed just 6 times the entire month. It's been a roller coaster...
Filling up my Monday through Friday has been work in Long Beach. Normally I fly down Tuesday and stay through Thursday, but things have been hectic. A few times I had to fly down Sunday night and come back Thursday or Friday. Normally the commute from Seattle (home) to SoCal is fine, but this recent schedule is a bit much, especially since I've had sooo damned much going on the weekends. Check this out:
Weekend 0: Okay, this is actually the end of June, but I ran the Seattle Rock 'n Roll Marathon, so I'm counting it.
Weekend 1: Visiting my little brother in Portland. He has cancer and had just got out of the hospital. Be strong, M. I gotcha.
Weekend 2: Flew to New Mexico for a funeral. My beautiful friend, Heather, passed away from Leukemia. She was 30. Rest well, darling.
Weekend 3: Aerial Immersion campout Thurs-Sunday. This was an intensive trapeze/rope/fabric workshop taught out-of-doors and FUN, but I had to fly back to Long Beach that Sunday night. Ouch.
Weekend 4: Ragnar Relay. This is a 185 mile relay race. My team did it in 26 hours, duriing which I got about 2 hours sleep. It was, however, great fun. If you're going to spend that much time in a stinky van with 5 other people, they had better be good people. In my case, the company was brilliant.
So this weekend I have been HOME. It's been utterly domestic, but sublime. Friday was a friend's b-day party. Saturday was spent with this great girl I've been dating, and today has been all about my cats, cleaning, working on one of my motorcycles, and BBQ. I love it. Tonight I'm going to just sit and read a book.
So yes, it's been an intense month, but I look at all the experiences as a reason to be grateful. I have my health, I have the means to take care of and support my family and friends, I get to run and play in the air, and I have a home where friends are always welcome. I've certainly shed a few tears, but I've also shouted in joy and bliss. Life is not always perfect, but it's one hell of a ride.
Filling up my Monday through Friday has been work in Long Beach. Normally I fly down Tuesday and stay through Thursday, but things have been hectic. A few times I had to fly down Sunday night and come back Thursday or Friday. Normally the commute from Seattle (home) to SoCal is fine, but this recent schedule is a bit much, especially since I've had sooo damned much going on the weekends. Check this out:
Weekend 0: Okay, this is actually the end of June, but I ran the Seattle Rock 'n Roll Marathon, so I'm counting it.
Weekend 1: Visiting my little brother in Portland. He has cancer and had just got out of the hospital. Be strong, M. I gotcha.
Weekend 2: Flew to New Mexico for a funeral. My beautiful friend, Heather, passed away from Leukemia. She was 30. Rest well, darling.
Weekend 3: Aerial Immersion campout Thurs-Sunday. This was an intensive trapeze/rope/fabric workshop taught out-of-doors and FUN, but I had to fly back to Long Beach that Sunday night. Ouch.
Weekend 4: Ragnar Relay. This is a 185 mile relay race. My team did it in 26 hours, duriing which I got about 2 hours sleep. It was, however, great fun. If you're going to spend that much time in a stinky van with 5 other people, they had better be good people. In my case, the company was brilliant.
So this weekend I have been HOME. It's been utterly domestic, but sublime. Friday was a friend's b-day party. Saturday was spent with this great girl I've been dating, and today has been all about my cats, cleaning, working on one of my motorcycles, and BBQ. I love it. Tonight I'm going to just sit and read a book.
So yes, it's been an intense month, but I look at all the experiences as a reason to be grateful. I have my health, I have the means to take care of and support my family and friends, I get to run and play in the air, and I have a home where friends are always welcome. I've certainly shed a few tears, but I've also shouted in joy and bliss. Life is not always perfect, but it's one hell of a ride.
you have a pug?? its a girl or a boy? i want to see pictures im a really pug fun i would have zillions if i could

Here he is, Susi. As far as pugs go, I'm told Oscar isn't perfect. He's too tall, too long, and not the right kind of ugly. He's also a total bastard and steals things from girl's purses, which occasionally makes my parties interesting. Once he sat down in the middle of a group with a bottle of lube that he had stolen (not mine), which caused a bit of a ruckus.
I love him.