I have always been invisible... It's just how it is... My own other dosen't remember the my birthdate correctly.
I use to spend hours in my room alone. All the until I was fifteen and was put into foster care.. Then I spent time alone in other peoples rooms.
I feel alon no matter how many friends I have. It sucks to be alone... Even when laying in bed next to someone you just spent the night with... Three girls in three months.... Each the same.., They felt like I never got close. THey are right. I don't. Because it takes me while... Because as soon as I feel close they leave and tell me its becuase I don't get close... The truth is I suspect I am just there as a temp cuddle buddy until that cute guy comes along... Because I am not cute nor will I ever be. I am the fat guy couples know all their lives that friend who never hooks up and never finds her because he is a beat off.
I hate my job. I love my parties... I hate my job more when it injures me in a way so I can't party... Grow up they say.. give up on raves, and parties.... Stop writing music. strat putting that media and public relations degree to work.....
Maybe I will...But not in the way my friends want me to.. I will do what i want wiht my education I earned the damn thing. I am NOT going to write true crime novels like burl... I am tired of them... I am NOT going back to work for the Newspaper... Those people wouldn't be objective if you stuck a gun to their heads.... And I REFUSE to got owork in t.v..
I am going to live out that child hood dream... that silly one that no one liked when I was a kid, but lead me to get my media degree... Yes thats FREAKING RIGHT!!! I AM APPLYING AT MARVEL COMICS!!!!
Screw it.
What's the worse they can do?
tell me no and to try applying at a Lumber Yard?
I use to spend hours in my room alone. All the until I was fifteen and was put into foster care.. Then I spent time alone in other peoples rooms.
I feel alon no matter how many friends I have. It sucks to be alone... Even when laying in bed next to someone you just spent the night with... Three girls in three months.... Each the same.., They felt like I never got close. THey are right. I don't. Because it takes me while... Because as soon as I feel close they leave and tell me its becuase I don't get close... The truth is I suspect I am just there as a temp cuddle buddy until that cute guy comes along... Because I am not cute nor will I ever be. I am the fat guy couples know all their lives that friend who never hooks up and never finds her because he is a beat off.
I hate my job. I love my parties... I hate my job more when it injures me in a way so I can't party... Grow up they say.. give up on raves, and parties.... Stop writing music. strat putting that media and public relations degree to work.....
Maybe I will...But not in the way my friends want me to.. I will do what i want wiht my education I earned the damn thing. I am NOT going to write true crime novels like burl... I am tired of them... I am NOT going back to work for the Newspaper... Those people wouldn't be objective if you stuck a gun to their heads.... And I REFUSE to got owork in t.v..
I am going to live out that child hood dream... that silly one that no one liked when I was a kid, but lead me to get my media degree... Yes thats FREAKING RIGHT!!! I AM APPLYING AT MARVEL COMICS!!!!
Screw it.

What's the worse they can do?
tell me no and to try applying at a Lumber Yard?

ack and sorry about that, my cat just stepped on my keyboard, haha.
and yeaah fuck everyone! apply at marvel comics! good luck