When history records the life of Kathrin S. Lee, the mysterious girl, whose plight inspired a nation of sensationalist hungry journalists, it will tell of evil men, prophecies, cults and murder. Should anyone look back at those few weeks, when a forgotten cult changed the trust of a nation, and a girl was forced into the life of a messiah, they will more than likely forget that the Christ, or Anti-Christ, was just a girl who begged the world to leave her alone. This is not public record, nor another tabloid tale of the prophecy that youve read in magazines on super market stands or seen on the cable news. No, this is simply the story of one girl whose life was not unlike many others, and how her fifteen minutes of fame turned into a nightmare.
The Technomancer Prophecy
Book One:
Childhood of an Anti-Christ
Kathrin S. Lee was born to a mother who could not raise her, nor could she bring herself to abort her. Just moments after Kathrin hollered her first scream into this world, she was pulled away from her mother and sent into the cold dark machine of the state adoption system.
Kathrin was a sickly child, and the states job of finding her a proper home was near impossible. Day after day, the state would find thousands of infants homes and parents, solely because of their tender cute adorable age. However Kathrins sickly look and chronic anemia made difficult task for state workers to find her a home. No family would dare adopt such a sickly child.
Kat spent her infancy and toddler years in the states hodge-podge orphanage system. The state had become her parents, a mosaic collection of counselors, social workers and secretaries that would drift in and out of her life. All of these people played parent to her for eight hours a day with a one hour lunch break and two fifteen-minute smoke breaks. During these years Kat decided on her lifes philosophy; one: you cant count on life, it had a tendency to change at any moment, the best thing to do was go with it, and keep quiet, and two: when threatened, destroy that which threatens you, so no new threats get any ideas.
Her philosophy worked great, days rolled by quickly, and with any luck she would be old and decrepit soon. Consistency in her life, something Kat had never known, was given to her when she was nine, her foster parents at the time bought her a used Zorlack skateboard at a yard sale. It was simply black, with Independent trucks and a pair of beaten Cell Block wheels. Kat was instantly attached to the skateboard, and her attachment lead to an addiction for skating. She explored every surface that she could get her skateboard to roll or slide across. Her favorite ride was the sensation of skating over a slightly rough, old, grayed asphalt road onto a newly rolled out, fresh and black asphalt road. The sudden shift of an old roads constant vibration and entrancing wheel noise, to an absolutely smooth surface and complete silence, could cure any ailment.
Weeks went by and with them she could track time by the healing bruises. Day after day she would do her little dance as the board flipped, skipped, played and punished her. After her foster parents became tired of playing house, Kat, like a movie rental, was returned to the state system.
However the experience at the last house had changed her, she had tasted freedom on the back of her deck. The time away and the time she spent learning her new obsession gave her more strength then she had as a rental child drone. She had life in her now, life given to her by her skateboard. On the first day of her return to the state home, everyone could feel her change in confidence; they knew there was something different about her. Her case worker knew Kat had to be quickly put back into place, so she would rest nicely on her shelf until the next customer came along to rent her.
The caseworker, a slightly overweight woman with an abundance of green eye shadow and stringy thin brown hair, sat across from Kat in her large floral print shirt. While rambling to Kat the women rose up from her seat and reached around the desk and took the black skateboard from Kats side only to place it a few inches away against the side of her state-issued green metal desk. While the worker spoke of the issues with Kats poor performance at her last pseudo parents home, Kat heard nothing but ambient back ground noise. Inside her was an anger building that she had been holding back since birth. From the moment she had been taken from her mother, everyone she had met had taken something from her. Kat thought about arguing, but her arguments always fell on deaf ears. Everyone around Kat had power, and all they ever did with their power was hurt her. Pain seemed to be the way that the people around her gained power. Kat knew she wasnt smart enough to cause the people who hurt her the same kind of emotional pain they made her endure, but she could still cause them pain real pain. Kat decided that pain was what this obese bitch needed to feel in order for her to understand how important the skate board was to her.
Before her rambling caseworker could rattle off another educated psychological sentence, Kat had taken the womens pencil and thrust it through the fleshy part of her hand, just between her thumb and index finger, thus braking the tip against the steel desk top and causing the case working to jerk her hand back, with a horrified shout. The women jumped up holding her hand so that she could see both Kat and her bleeding hand. The woman began rattling off all the horrible punishments she would do to Kat, the paper work she would file the reports she would write as she coward into the corner. All the threats she made all of them just useless state jargon, Kat didnt care, she didnt listen she didnt know what half the punishment forms the women listed off were in the first place. None of it mattered. She simply stood up and took her skateboard to her side then stood beside the desk glaring at the women to make sure she knew why her hand bled. The women quit quibbling, She looked on to Kat and her board and began to repeat over and over, they are not allowed, you cant have those in here! Kat calmly waited until the heros of the office came and detained her.
Kat spent the following weeks after the incident in a juvenile detention center. Like all kids who spend time in the kiddie-prison she learned to fight like an adult, and began drinking nothing but orange juice and coffee with lots of cream and sugar. Each evening she spent sitting in her issued pajamas at a round table with six other juvenile delinquents as they told stories of how bad ass they were. Each kids story topping the next with its mount of gore, drug use, and just straight out rebellion. Kat sat quietly however. She didnt have such stories and as entertaining as they were, she saw no reason to let the guards standing behind them listing believe she was as criminal as the rest. She wanted out, she wanted to skate.
When Kat set her ten-year old feet on the crisp green grass of freedom for the first time since she had stabbed that women in the hand, she was educated with the skills she felt she would use for the rest of her life. Ready to defend her lifes philosophy when challenged, she felt prepared for a couple of lifes famous curve balls. To Kats surprise, upon her release, she found her skateboard waiting in the hands of her new case worker.
For the next two years Kat was never rented out by the state, instead her new case worker had her studying, She studied important life skills, like how to shop, how to balance a check book, how a savings account worked how to cook. In trade for listening and going along with what her case worker planned for her, she was allowed to skate in a parking lot of a small rarely used park a few blocks from the center.
** When Kat was twelve, she came across a curve ball she had never seen before. The agency in charge had her meet with Richard Lee, a Chinese-American corporate lawyer. Unlike any pseudo-parent prospects she had met before, he came alone... no wife. Dressed in a sharp gray suit, Lees actions reflected a man who wore a suit daily, not a fake father dressed up to go kid shopping. Lee gained complete control of the caseworker and the state with sharp and direct diction, and in moments he had Kats case worker hurdling down the hall to approve the paper work. **
Before Kat could interject or even think, she found herself grabbing her skateboard and bags, following behind the man as caseworker rushed to cram papers into Kats already full hands. Kat was sure that at any moment she would loose her grip. And all her stuff, her papers and everything would crash down, and the man would turn around, see the mess and say never-mind, get me one thats not a klutz However, she managed to follow the man to his gold BMW. Not once did he slow down, nor did he ever turn his back to check on her.
When Kat an d Mr. Lee reached his car, the trunk opened automatically and he went straight to the drivers side. After Kat loaded everything into the trunk including her board, then she walked around to the front seat and sat down. The trip home was long, and no words were spoken. Mr. Lee made no attempts to stop at some fast food restaurant to share with her his favorite food. Mr. Lee made no attempt to share stories about what he was like at her age, or to offer her an antidote about how much better her life was going be with him or tell her all the things he was going to show her and help her with. He made no sales pitch like all the previous foster parents. The only sound was the tires on the road and the soft voice of a corporate news anchor reading off daily market reports and current headlines.
After a forty-five minute drive, Kat arrived at the house. It was a large, dark brown single floor home with a red tile roof. It reflected what Kat thought a traditional Chinese home should look like. Mr. Lee parked in the driveway just before the three-car garage, and walked through the well groomed yard over a brick path that led to the long patio that followed along the front of the house half the length to the front door.
Once inside, Kat found herself in a narrow hallway that opened up to the right a few feet in front of her. She watched as Mr. Lee took off his shoes and sat them with a group of shoes nicely lined up along the wall to the right. Kat quickly imitated Mr. Lee and knelt to take off her beaten tan Converse. Kat watched from the corner of her eye as Mr. Lee observed her and waited. Kat stood up after she placed her shoes at the far right of the row of shoes. Mr. Lee nodded and continued down the entry corridor. At the end of the entry corridor she turned right to reveal a large formal living room. Centered in the floor of the room was sunken circular couch, with three steps that lead down into it. Bamboo stalks, red wood shelves and fish tanks ordained a very traditional Chinese room to conduct business. Mr. Lee led her around the large sunken couch and passed the west walls large bay windows obviously placed to catch the evenings sun. No TV, no stereo that she could see, nothing, just a large room, designed to simply socialize in. Kat smiled, as she realized it was the cleanliest and most kept room she had ever been in.
Sue. Called out Mr. Lee as the turned right at the back wall of fish tanks at the North wall of the house. Kats, eyes wandered as she tried to think of how many of the tropical fish she could recognize.
*** In, here came a soft reply Kat followed Mr. Lee to an open doorway on the east walls, which lead into a marvelous kitchen, decorated in copper pans and pots that hung from the ceiling around a large marble island. Across from Kat and Mr. Lee, just on the opposite side of the island was a woman who looked of Spanish decent. She was small with soft lines, and big brown welcoming eyes highlighted by her long narrow nose. The women smiled. Mr. Lee came to her side, Kat noticed that the were both about the same height as Mr. Lee leaned in and gave her a soft romantic peck on the lips. The he turned and introduced his wife.
Kathrin, this is my wife Kara, Kara made a short nod as a welcoming gesture, Kat found herself mimicking the gesture in return. ***
The Technomancer Prophecy
Book One:
Childhood of an Anti-Christ
Kathrin S. Lee was born to a mother who could not raise her, nor could she bring herself to abort her. Just moments after Kathrin hollered her first scream into this world, she was pulled away from her mother and sent into the cold dark machine of the state adoption system.
Kathrin was a sickly child, and the states job of finding her a proper home was near impossible. Day after day, the state would find thousands of infants homes and parents, solely because of their tender cute adorable age. However Kathrins sickly look and chronic anemia made difficult task for state workers to find her a home. No family would dare adopt such a sickly child.
Kat spent her infancy and toddler years in the states hodge-podge orphanage system. The state had become her parents, a mosaic collection of counselors, social workers and secretaries that would drift in and out of her life. All of these people played parent to her for eight hours a day with a one hour lunch break and two fifteen-minute smoke breaks. During these years Kat decided on her lifes philosophy; one: you cant count on life, it had a tendency to change at any moment, the best thing to do was go with it, and keep quiet, and two: when threatened, destroy that which threatens you, so no new threats get any ideas.
Her philosophy worked great, days rolled by quickly, and with any luck she would be old and decrepit soon. Consistency in her life, something Kat had never known, was given to her when she was nine, her foster parents at the time bought her a used Zorlack skateboard at a yard sale. It was simply black, with Independent trucks and a pair of beaten Cell Block wheels. Kat was instantly attached to the skateboard, and her attachment lead to an addiction for skating. She explored every surface that she could get her skateboard to roll or slide across. Her favorite ride was the sensation of skating over a slightly rough, old, grayed asphalt road onto a newly rolled out, fresh and black asphalt road. The sudden shift of an old roads constant vibration and entrancing wheel noise, to an absolutely smooth surface and complete silence, could cure any ailment.
Weeks went by and with them she could track time by the healing bruises. Day after day she would do her little dance as the board flipped, skipped, played and punished her. After her foster parents became tired of playing house, Kat, like a movie rental, was returned to the state system.
However the experience at the last house had changed her, she had tasted freedom on the back of her deck. The time away and the time she spent learning her new obsession gave her more strength then she had as a rental child drone. She had life in her now, life given to her by her skateboard. On the first day of her return to the state home, everyone could feel her change in confidence; they knew there was something different about her. Her case worker knew Kat had to be quickly put back into place, so she would rest nicely on her shelf until the next customer came along to rent her.
The caseworker, a slightly overweight woman with an abundance of green eye shadow and stringy thin brown hair, sat across from Kat in her large floral print shirt. While rambling to Kat the women rose up from her seat and reached around the desk and took the black skateboard from Kats side only to place it a few inches away against the side of her state-issued green metal desk. While the worker spoke of the issues with Kats poor performance at her last pseudo parents home, Kat heard nothing but ambient back ground noise. Inside her was an anger building that she had been holding back since birth. From the moment she had been taken from her mother, everyone she had met had taken something from her. Kat thought about arguing, but her arguments always fell on deaf ears. Everyone around Kat had power, and all they ever did with their power was hurt her. Pain seemed to be the way that the people around her gained power. Kat knew she wasnt smart enough to cause the people who hurt her the same kind of emotional pain they made her endure, but she could still cause them pain real pain. Kat decided that pain was what this obese bitch needed to feel in order for her to understand how important the skate board was to her.
Before her rambling caseworker could rattle off another educated psychological sentence, Kat had taken the womens pencil and thrust it through the fleshy part of her hand, just between her thumb and index finger, thus braking the tip against the steel desk top and causing the case working to jerk her hand back, with a horrified shout. The women jumped up holding her hand so that she could see both Kat and her bleeding hand. The woman began rattling off all the horrible punishments she would do to Kat, the paper work she would file the reports she would write as she coward into the corner. All the threats she made all of them just useless state jargon, Kat didnt care, she didnt listen she didnt know what half the punishment forms the women listed off were in the first place. None of it mattered. She simply stood up and took her skateboard to her side then stood beside the desk glaring at the women to make sure she knew why her hand bled. The women quit quibbling, She looked on to Kat and her board and began to repeat over and over, they are not allowed, you cant have those in here! Kat calmly waited until the heros of the office came and detained her.
Kat spent the following weeks after the incident in a juvenile detention center. Like all kids who spend time in the kiddie-prison she learned to fight like an adult, and began drinking nothing but orange juice and coffee with lots of cream and sugar. Each evening she spent sitting in her issued pajamas at a round table with six other juvenile delinquents as they told stories of how bad ass they were. Each kids story topping the next with its mount of gore, drug use, and just straight out rebellion. Kat sat quietly however. She didnt have such stories and as entertaining as they were, she saw no reason to let the guards standing behind them listing believe she was as criminal as the rest. She wanted out, she wanted to skate.
When Kat set her ten-year old feet on the crisp green grass of freedom for the first time since she had stabbed that women in the hand, she was educated with the skills she felt she would use for the rest of her life. Ready to defend her lifes philosophy when challenged, she felt prepared for a couple of lifes famous curve balls. To Kats surprise, upon her release, she found her skateboard waiting in the hands of her new case worker.
For the next two years Kat was never rented out by the state, instead her new case worker had her studying, She studied important life skills, like how to shop, how to balance a check book, how a savings account worked how to cook. In trade for listening and going along with what her case worker planned for her, she was allowed to skate in a parking lot of a small rarely used park a few blocks from the center.
** When Kat was twelve, she came across a curve ball she had never seen before. The agency in charge had her meet with Richard Lee, a Chinese-American corporate lawyer. Unlike any pseudo-parent prospects she had met before, he came alone... no wife. Dressed in a sharp gray suit, Lees actions reflected a man who wore a suit daily, not a fake father dressed up to go kid shopping. Lee gained complete control of the caseworker and the state with sharp and direct diction, and in moments he had Kats case worker hurdling down the hall to approve the paper work. **
Before Kat could interject or even think, she found herself grabbing her skateboard and bags, following behind the man as caseworker rushed to cram papers into Kats already full hands. Kat was sure that at any moment she would loose her grip. And all her stuff, her papers and everything would crash down, and the man would turn around, see the mess and say never-mind, get me one thats not a klutz However, she managed to follow the man to his gold BMW. Not once did he slow down, nor did he ever turn his back to check on her.
When Kat an d Mr. Lee reached his car, the trunk opened automatically and he went straight to the drivers side. After Kat loaded everything into the trunk including her board, then she walked around to the front seat and sat down. The trip home was long, and no words were spoken. Mr. Lee made no attempts to stop at some fast food restaurant to share with her his favorite food. Mr. Lee made no attempt to share stories about what he was like at her age, or to offer her an antidote about how much better her life was going be with him or tell her all the things he was going to show her and help her with. He made no sales pitch like all the previous foster parents. The only sound was the tires on the road and the soft voice of a corporate news anchor reading off daily market reports and current headlines.
After a forty-five minute drive, Kat arrived at the house. It was a large, dark brown single floor home with a red tile roof. It reflected what Kat thought a traditional Chinese home should look like. Mr. Lee parked in the driveway just before the three-car garage, and walked through the well groomed yard over a brick path that led to the long patio that followed along the front of the house half the length to the front door.
Once inside, Kat found herself in a narrow hallway that opened up to the right a few feet in front of her. She watched as Mr. Lee took off his shoes and sat them with a group of shoes nicely lined up along the wall to the right. Kat quickly imitated Mr. Lee and knelt to take off her beaten tan Converse. Kat watched from the corner of her eye as Mr. Lee observed her and waited. Kat stood up after she placed her shoes at the far right of the row of shoes. Mr. Lee nodded and continued down the entry corridor. At the end of the entry corridor she turned right to reveal a large formal living room. Centered in the floor of the room was sunken circular couch, with three steps that lead down into it. Bamboo stalks, red wood shelves and fish tanks ordained a very traditional Chinese room to conduct business. Mr. Lee led her around the large sunken couch and passed the west walls large bay windows obviously placed to catch the evenings sun. No TV, no stereo that she could see, nothing, just a large room, designed to simply socialize in. Kat smiled, as she realized it was the cleanliest and most kept room she had ever been in.
Sue. Called out Mr. Lee as the turned right at the back wall of fish tanks at the North wall of the house. Kats, eyes wandered as she tried to think of how many of the tropical fish she could recognize.
*** In, here came a soft reply Kat followed Mr. Lee to an open doorway on the east walls, which lead into a marvelous kitchen, decorated in copper pans and pots that hung from the ceiling around a large marble island. Across from Kat and Mr. Lee, just on the opposite side of the island was a woman who looked of Spanish decent. She was small with soft lines, and big brown welcoming eyes highlighted by her long narrow nose. The women smiled. Mr. Lee came to her side, Kat noticed that the were both about the same height as Mr. Lee leaned in and gave her a soft romantic peck on the lips. The he turned and introduced his wife.
Kathrin, this is my wife Kara, Kara made a short nod as a welcoming gesture, Kat found herself mimicking the gesture in return. ***
aaaaag....i'll be back to read this!!!

oh ...and i'm in love with the profile pic....how do i get it...