alright I am no longer depressed...
I am just plane fucking busy.
On friday I am throwin a rave in a russian Cobra Submarine. its invite only. Just the elite of the seattle scene. It should be fun.
I am back to work full time and that is driving me crazy. It is more then full time. It life tie MUAHAHAHAHhaahahah
I am throwing a party on July 24th with Omar Santana, Joey Mazzola, and Terra Hyman. IN s new venue. I am a little nervous about.
I have been talking with liam from Snaeker Pimps and he is doing a shwo for me and he Price is high but I am also booking Polywog, as party of her cd release, and the bass sick boyz.... so it sould be tight.
I have to keep it all secret right now until I fax all these contracts at the end of the week.
My friend chris just won some mamba comp in san francisco. he is like the interenational limbo champion... I want to be all excited for him but some how it seems more wierd then good.
Heres a good entry.
about two years ago I saw this girl on the dance floor at a little place called the spot. I watched her dance and totally fell in love with her... She was so content. I could understand that and felt it.
I watched her dance forever, and decided I could never get a girl like that being the way I was. I have worked from that day on to be better then I was, So I would never be to scared to meet a girl like her again.
I have worked hard on myself ever since. and to my surprise I kept running into this girl off and on at parties. Finally I learned her name, and when I felt strong enough, almost a year and a half later I introduced myself. I still didn't feel confident to ask her out.
Then my foot broke and I gained a lot of weight, however I ran into the girl again. and learned she had a boyfriend. However she was soo cool, and I liekd her so much I didn't care and I wnated her aroud more... So I made a mistake I invited her to hang out after teh party with soem of my firends in the promoter community... they are savages. they are all over her and I felt awful for her B/F
Soon she was hanging out iwth many of my friends. and I saw her a lot. I kept my distance embarrassed by my new weight. then one night she told me she had broke up with her B/F I smiled it was nice to knwo she wasn't taken however. I figured she had interest in so many others she would be swept up by the end of the week.
A few days later I was surpised no one had, and since I was in my element and feeling quite storng I asked her out to dinner and she said yes.
Well thet ended us up with my friend J. , I figured he was safe since he had a G/F hwever I sooned realized he had his game on. and at first I was mad, however later I learned that he got permission fomr his girl to 3 some wiht her.
Now he is all over her, and some other girl... so he has a girl and he is making a play for two other girls. I don't know ifg I am frustrated becuase I am jealous, or becuase I think its fucking shit. Anyways, he has put this inage over her, and has tired to convince her he likes her, and I think she thinks he likes her... But then gain the other day he told me she could skate, then she told me not really, and when she started smoking he got mad at her, not becuase of her health but becuase it ruined the image he places on her.
I think he just wants to bionk her, however I think she thinks he likes her... and however again, I think J's g/f isn't going to loose him to a nother girl, which makes me believe that this is one fucked up love triangle and I am going to stay out of it... I like her alot, and some other guy is going to show up just when the dramam gets a litttle wierd an rescue her, and he will be the one to get her.
Its a shame. cause i like her.
And I have always liekd her since the first time I saw her. I wish I would have had the balls to say some thing then...
I am just plane fucking busy.
On friday I am throwin a rave in a russian Cobra Submarine. its invite only. Just the elite of the seattle scene. It should be fun.
I am back to work full time and that is driving me crazy. It is more then full time. It life tie MUAHAHAHAHhaahahah
I am throwing a party on July 24th with Omar Santana, Joey Mazzola, and Terra Hyman. IN s new venue. I am a little nervous about.
I have been talking with liam from Snaeker Pimps and he is doing a shwo for me and he Price is high but I am also booking Polywog, as party of her cd release, and the bass sick boyz.... so it sould be tight.
I have to keep it all secret right now until I fax all these contracts at the end of the week.
My friend chris just won some mamba comp in san francisco. he is like the interenational limbo champion... I want to be all excited for him but some how it seems more wierd then good.
Heres a good entry.
about two years ago I saw this girl on the dance floor at a little place called the spot. I watched her dance and totally fell in love with her... She was so content. I could understand that and felt it.
I watched her dance forever, and decided I could never get a girl like that being the way I was. I have worked from that day on to be better then I was, So I would never be to scared to meet a girl like her again.
I have worked hard on myself ever since. and to my surprise I kept running into this girl off and on at parties. Finally I learned her name, and when I felt strong enough, almost a year and a half later I introduced myself. I still didn't feel confident to ask her out.
Then my foot broke and I gained a lot of weight, however I ran into the girl again. and learned she had a boyfriend. However she was soo cool, and I liekd her so much I didn't care and I wnated her aroud more... So I made a mistake I invited her to hang out after teh party with soem of my firends in the promoter community... they are savages. they are all over her and I felt awful for her B/F
Soon she was hanging out iwth many of my friends. and I saw her a lot. I kept my distance embarrassed by my new weight. then one night she told me she had broke up with her B/F I smiled it was nice to knwo she wasn't taken however. I figured she had interest in so many others she would be swept up by the end of the week.
A few days later I was surpised no one had, and since I was in my element and feeling quite storng I asked her out to dinner and she said yes.
Well thet ended us up with my friend J. , I figured he was safe since he had a G/F hwever I sooned realized he had his game on. and at first I was mad, however later I learned that he got permission fomr his girl to 3 some wiht her.
Now he is all over her, and some other girl... so he has a girl and he is making a play for two other girls. I don't know ifg I am frustrated becuase I am jealous, or becuase I think its fucking shit. Anyways, he has put this inage over her, and has tired to convince her he likes her, and I think she thinks he likes her... But then gain the other day he told me she could skate, then she told me not really, and when she started smoking he got mad at her, not becuase of her health but becuase it ruined the image he places on her.
I think he just wants to bionk her, however I think she thinks he likes her... and however again, I think J's g/f isn't going to loose him to a nother girl, which makes me believe that this is one fucked up love triangle and I am going to stay out of it... I like her alot, and some other guy is going to show up just when the dramam gets a litttle wierd an rescue her, and he will be the one to get her.
Its a shame. cause i like her.
And I have always liekd her since the first time I saw her. I wish I would have had the balls to say some thing then...