moved into my new place on Monday,
we got gas heating yestreday, and Electricity on Tues.

our fridge doesn't smell like a dead animal anymore, and we have food and games galore.
ah life is well in Philville
hi, you posted a picture on the "i want to have sex with _________ thread. who is that girl. have a nice day.
fuck yeah!
found a place to live finally

although I highly doubt anyone reads this
it's kinda a necessary for me to do these so I can try be an SG penpal haha =x

it's a pretty dope place, I hope I can do a couple sets around the place, I have a couple people i'm gonna photograph who wanna be SGs biggrin
don't do back flip to back flip to back flip on a trampoline after you're tired
it could equal the pain i'm in

stupid Philly...stupid stupid Philly....
ah what an eventful day it was.
it was pissing out rain, so I stayed in and played World of Warcraft all day and watched V for Vendetta and Detroit Rock City.

ah life is good
ah it's been a long while since I posted an update

I got into parkour finally biggrin
it's bloody well amazing, so many things to do, so many people to chill with.
it's like the opening of a life style

it's also been great because it's getting me fit again, for awhile I was getting mcgut.
i'm pumped to see the results already after only a...
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getting losti n Richmond was great

in small towns #'d blocks are usually right next to each other
apparently it doesn't work like that in Vancouver and shit is between em all

so what I thought 3 blocks was turning into an hour and a half walk
holy shit mafa's
i'm 21 now hahaha

yay I can legally drink and look at porn wherever I may be in the world now! w00t to that hahaha

time to party like it's 2999
lookin good in da neighbor hood

i love life as 21. when was i not drunk last!? i love it!
haha thank you thank you

I don't drink to often
but I always drink on birthdays haha

and I got pretty good and sauced the other night
oh god so good haha
fuck yeah!
Halloween shopping yesterday

I am going as the lead singer guyt from Dir En Grey, from the video Obscure.
it's gonna be hella killer, I got the pants, some gloves for it, and my frient is making me the vest.
now I just need boots and a set of goggles =x
happy birthday
Oh OH! Happy birthday mang!