Hello, SGLanders... Hey, @penny @eirenne @missy @sean @yessybear !
Whats up? (:
Lots of things happening around here. My debut set, Closest, arrived last month and I still haven't had time to come here and thank you for the SO MUCH LOVE you guys sent me there... thank you so much, really! I didn't expect such a big acceptance, lol...
Rendemption is coming and I'm already working on another wonderful set...you guys inspired me so much! *-*
Off SG, I took some time for myself.
I renovated my house, traveled to unwind, took care of my son, my heart... I had a very busy life, lacking time for almost everything :S
Today I created a routine and I see how important this is for our lives. I added tasks to my day and, amazingly, I have more free time today than before.
I'm more absent from here, it's true... but you don't measure how much I reappeared for my life!
I love being here, sharing experiences, day to day, ideas, etc with you... but I've been discovering and loving more and more the life behind the screens too.
And speaking of life behind the screens, one of my favorite hobbies when I'm not online is this: Reading a good book.
I'm currently rereading 1984 (I love dystopian novels)...I'd love it if you could point me to others in the same style (:
@gazpachox Thanks for that, photographer! (:And yes. It really was a Tuesday morning, lol
@anewfeld Ah, not too far... actually, I don't have a vacation ahahha... I took a break from work, lolI traveled to a state here in my country, São Paulo (: