Back in California and hey, my building didn't burn down while I was away - bonus!
I stopped at a drug store earlier tonight on the way back from my walk, and they had their Christmas things up already.
Seriously, I know dates can be hard to decipher out here since the weather never changes, but come on people - pulling that stuff out before it's even Halloween is well out of order.
Speaking of which, I did Halloween it up a little this weekend. My costume attempt, I had to accept, was lost on most people, but I amused myself at any rate. Me as Richie Tenenbaum:

I'll have one more chance to wear it on Wednesday but after that I think I'm ready to ditch the beard. I travel frequently, and I'm already a young male of Pakistani ethnicity, so that beard ain't getting me through security any quicker.
ETA: I noticed this weird little tick on the site just now. After I was uberzotted whenever that was, my old comments in board threads and groups were, of course, all removed (which leaves some things like the underscore threads missing about twenty pages or so); but for some reason, it seems my comments in friends only threads are still there. It took me a while to notice because I don't check friends threads very often and they don't go back more than a page. Weird, and has absolutely no bearing on anything really, but I just thought it was interesting. The things that catch our interest when we're avoiding work. . .
I stopped at a drug store earlier tonight on the way back from my walk, and they had their Christmas things up already.

Speaking of which, I did Halloween it up a little this weekend. My costume attempt, I had to accept, was lost on most people, but I amused myself at any rate. Me as Richie Tenenbaum:

I'll have one more chance to wear it on Wednesday but after that I think I'm ready to ditch the beard. I travel frequently, and I'm already a young male of Pakistani ethnicity, so that beard ain't getting me through security any quicker.
ETA: I noticed this weird little tick on the site just now. After I was uberzotted whenever that was, my old comments in board threads and groups were, of course, all removed (which leaves some things like the underscore threads missing about twenty pages or so); but for some reason, it seems my comments in friends only threads are still there. It took me a while to notice because I don't check friends threads very often and they don't go back more than a page. Weird, and has absolutely no bearing on anything really, but I just thought it was interesting. The things that catch our interest when we're avoiding work. . .