First off, Merry Christmas!
I have been absolutely swamped! Here's what I have been up to...
- Doing Live sound for a couple commercials
- Producing 2 albums
- Graduating from college with a degree and starting on my bachelors
- Working 2 jobs
- Doing Sound/PostProduction/MusicCompostition for 2 short films
- Maintaining more social networking sites than any human should be allowed to have
yes, you have probably seen them if you live in the midwest
more info on those as they develop... one is almost done, there are some demos on my SoundCloud
4.0 so far, now that's what's up

I caption phone calls plus help them improve the quality of their audio at one job and work at my school for the other job
One is called Spark and is something of a post-apocalypse commentary on politics and the other is called The Colored Thread (we are shooting it this weekend!). I wont give that one away, but there is going to be a lot of snow. And blood.
Pin Up Productions (my company's Facebook)
My YouTube
Tumblr (daily boobs and butts!)
My Zombie Tumblr (sexy zombie ladies here!)
and my Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram remain a secret. bwahahaha...
Also everyone go congratulate burntsolace! He just got MARRIED!!!!
More also, you will be seeing a new set from me in Feb! Finally found a local/quality photographer! She actually recognized me from SG by my tattoos. I was floored!!!
In the spirit of Christmas, I am rocking the most obnoxious earrings ever...
yes. there are 4 bells right by my ears that jingle when I move...
More more also, what has 2 thumbs and is going to be chatting in Ass Appreciation with Aysal tonight?
and now, I give you, nudity
You know what? Life is pretty ok right now. I am feeling pretty optimistic about everything, I dont know how long that will last, but I am going to enjoy it.
Also, thank you for the wonderful nudity.