My part time job is now almost a full time job, which is pretty fucking awesome. It can be pretty mentally exhausting though. Today I tutored 4 people. One who was writing a paper on sampling music, then I helped the second edit a video for a car commercial project, the third was another one who was writing a paper on how music doesnt cause suicide and Columbine like behavior, then the fourth was someone who needed help learning file management and had some questions on Pro Tools. Tomorrow I have 2 classes I help teach. The first one is on Audio Engineering and I will be teaching how to record bass guitar and set up communications and time code! yay! SMPTE! Just kidding. Not exciting. Then I will have a class on sampling and after that I am tutoring someone who needs help in a class on mixing and producing.
I will be chatting Friday night though if I don't pass out from exhaustion.
Next week I start helping someone with an electronics class so this weekend I will be brushing up on that as well as the ins and outs of Logic for another student.
I love my job though. There's a lot going on, but I am learning a lot too everyday.
Oh well. We are going to grill out for dinner so I'm gonna pic up some charcoal. Too brain dead to write a respectable blog.
Here are some boobs.
and butts!
come find me on tumblr

I will be chatting Friday night though if I don't pass out from exhaustion.
Next week I start helping someone with an electronics class so this weekend I will be brushing up on that as well as the ins and outs of Logic for another student.
I love my job though. There's a lot going on, but I am learning a lot too everyday.
Oh well. We are going to grill out for dinner so I'm gonna pic up some charcoal. Too brain dead to write a respectable blog.
Here are some boobs.

and butts!

come find me on tumblr

You are so sexay!