AysalColor Me Insterested, shot by yours truly

Also, check out the multi featuring me and LittlePinkStar if you havent yet!

Last night I started a Youtube channel for my company I am starting called Pin Up Productions. It's in it's infancy right now, but it is a sound design/ post production/video editing company. Im going to start with freelance work and then branch into bigger project. For now, my rates are suppppeeerrrr cheap to help beef up the portfolio, so if you have a movie that needs music composition, sound effects added, dialog editing and mixing, things of that nature, then I am your girl!
Pin Up Productions Youtubes
Here are some examples of my work. For these clips, i removed original audio and added my own.
and here is a video i edited together.
Ok. Enough whoring myself.
AysalColor Me Insterested, shot by yours truly

Also, check out the multi featuring me and LittlePinkStar if you havent yet!

Last night I started a Youtube channel for my company I am starting called Pin Up Productions. It's in it's infancy right now, but it is a sound design/ post production/video editing company. Im going to start with freelance work and then branch into bigger project. For now, my rates are suppppeeerrrr cheap to help beef up the portfolio, so if you have a movie that needs music composition, sound effects added, dialog editing and mixing, things of that nature, then I am your girl!
Pin Up Productions Youtubes
Here are some examples of my work. For these clips, i removed original audio and added my own.
and here is a video i edited together.
Ok. Enough whoring myself.
Anyhooooooo....... Chubby Bunny Chat tomorrow night! Pickin up marshmallows in the morning!
lol yay!