I made up a new word today.
Mammarized : (MAM- ahr-ized) adj. To be hypnotized by ones mammaries. As in, me and tnicole29 are going to mammarize you in chat.
I can finally move my arm freely(ish) again. the new tattoos are almost healed. Bettie is pretty much completely healed, but W.O.W has a ways to go.
I am in a camera whore type of mood tonight. Here's the new ink.
And here's me after workin 11 hours.
And i just thought I looked hot in this one, haha.
Off to go for a walk with Hubbalub. It'll be nice. We are going to go to the store and get some water or somethin to drink on the walk. We may come home and watch the human centipede tonight. Neither of us have seen it but it freaked the shit out of my brother. Also this weekend I am borrowing all of the Star Wars movies from my dad and brother. I havent seen them in ages and I need to rewatch. Especially with all the Star Wars commercials lately.
I shot a set a few weeks ago for my girl Aysal called Color Me Interested. It will be in Member Review in a few days! Mere days!!!!! March 4th i believe... may be the 6th, i cant remember for sure.
Off to go a-walkin!
Mammarized : (MAM- ahr-ized) adj. To be hypnotized by ones mammaries. As in, me and tnicole29 are going to mammarize you in chat.
I can finally move my arm freely(ish) again. the new tattoos are almost healed. Bettie is pretty much completely healed, but W.O.W has a ways to go.
I am in a camera whore type of mood tonight. Here's the new ink.

And here's me after workin 11 hours.

And i just thought I looked hot in this one, haha.

Off to go for a walk with Hubbalub. It'll be nice. We are going to go to the store and get some water or somethin to drink on the walk. We may come home and watch the human centipede tonight. Neither of us have seen it but it freaked the shit out of my brother. Also this weekend I am borrowing all of the Star Wars movies from my dad and brother. I havent seen them in ages and I need to rewatch. Especially with all the Star Wars commercials lately.
I shot a set a few weeks ago for my girl Aysal called Color Me Interested. It will be in Member Review in a few days! Mere days!!!!! March 4th i believe... may be the 6th, i cant remember for sure.

Off to go a-walkin!
Gorgeous ladies tattooed on a gorgeous lady. ((head explodes))