It's a funny thing; inspiration.
When you work in retail I guess one tends to take control of any retail environment even when not working.
Today Alex and I were in Wal-Mart and were goofing around near the Christmas stuff. We had just gotten off work and were still wearing name tags. Keep in mind though, that Wal-Mart employees wear blue shirts and giant Wal-Mart nametag lanyards (sp?). Anyhoo, we are roaming around and laughing and this old woman is shopping and giving me dirty looks. Now this goes on for about ten minutes. We leave the Christmas Shoppe and head to another area of the store. She walks by and I smile and she scowls at me. We walk a couple feet and a little kid knocks a toy into the aisle. We walk around it and go into the aisle next to it. We're looking at toys and the woman picks up the aisle and said something to the effect that I should be the one to clean it up. She said it so rudely. I was shocked. I wish I had turned around and asked if I offended her someway. It really made me angry. I dont need to be treated badly by someone who thinks its ok to be rude to working people.
But in a way I'm glad.
It's a funny thing; inspiration.
Because people do think I work places I dont. It happens to my coworkers too. Like I said, I guess we just take command of the atmosphere.
The reason I'm inspired is because it's such a funny situation.
I'm going to write a song about it.
I'll try to take video of it, but the camera doesnt pick up the piano that well. I'll post lyrics after I write it.
When you work in retail I guess one tends to take control of any retail environment even when not working.
Today Alex and I were in Wal-Mart and were goofing around near the Christmas stuff. We had just gotten off work and were still wearing name tags. Keep in mind though, that Wal-Mart employees wear blue shirts and giant Wal-Mart nametag lanyards (sp?). Anyhoo, we are roaming around and laughing and this old woman is shopping and giving me dirty looks. Now this goes on for about ten minutes. We leave the Christmas Shoppe and head to another area of the store. She walks by and I smile and she scowls at me. We walk a couple feet and a little kid knocks a toy into the aisle. We walk around it and go into the aisle next to it. We're looking at toys and the woman picks up the aisle and said something to the effect that I should be the one to clean it up. She said it so rudely. I was shocked. I wish I had turned around and asked if I offended her someway. It really made me angry. I dont need to be treated badly by someone who thinks its ok to be rude to working people.
But in a way I'm glad.
It's a funny thing; inspiration.
Because people do think I work places I dont. It happens to my coworkers too. Like I said, I guess we just take command of the atmosphere.
The reason I'm inspired is because it's such a funny situation.
I'm going to write a song about it.
I'll try to take video of it, but the camera doesnt pick up the piano that well. I'll post lyrics after I write it.
I used to get the same thing when I worked retail. I found myself straightening shelves when I was off the clock and that scared me.